I've had an ace night. But i'm dead hormonal. Its really bad.
Harrogate was random as fuck. Why did we play a theater? The drum kit was shite, and was even shiter when i'd finished with it. I need some new cymbals *sob*
then went to Juvi and saw everyoneeveryoneeveryone. And my hormones went crazy, i think theres potentially a new leeds boy on the eye. perhaps. I'm not naming them though, because, yeah... someone knows them. agrhghg. h£"(or*"$*m"$*on"$es are shit.
BLA. #
i might go to manchester tommorrow, see Lucida at the retro bar.
I wanna go to the pictures and see
cos it looks dead good. Everyone should come. cos we can eat lots of icecream :) and i can get lips from the pick and mix and pretend theyre my real lips then eat them and do it all over again.
i'm sat next to an empty mini eggs wrapper. how depressing : /
rahh i dunno if this boy maybe likes me, i dunno if he might have just liked me today. hmmmmmmmmm. we'll see.
i need more leeds oppotunities. i can't go off adventurising during exams.