life ; these and those

Apr 29, 2011 15:39

random things that happened recently

  • last night, i had the most…… interesting chats ever on twitter with boukenrider who became the kobato-chan to my toshihiko-kun, and cue in toshihiko-kun being all tsuntsunderedere, probably. i can't tell.
  • started watching KHR aaaaaahhh i find the need to watch it forever
  • smiles181 has an evil plan to convert me into a full-time shoujo by lending me shoujo stuff nnnoooooo
  • ; ___ ; haruki-senseeeeei!! cue in me trying not to play starry sky
  • trying to catch up with FT and it is working :D
  • i am constantly spoiling myself a lot of endings and it is making me super frustrated!! ):<
  • prom is in a week, i am not looking forward to it at all
  • i plan on dlding every episode of SD and watch it all in one go
  • i finished watching togainu no chi which woke up my BL senses O:!!
  • i plan on finishing togainu no chi VN some daaaay!!
  • pandoras heeeart, aaaaaaahhhh
  • i swear, i will so plan DFF on sunday!

rants: at eternal peace, rants: i am an anime otaku, rants: i'm a confirmed tsundere, rants: tsun tsun tsun on you, rants: i am a boy, rants: gahahaha, rants: cupid arrows to my heart ♥, rants: ore toshihiko desu!, rants: goodbye my sanity ಥ___ಥ, rants: games is all i live for, rants: faaaairy taaail, rants: wasted hours, rants: i-i'm just embarrassed, rants: things that makes me happy, rants: i'm a fujoshi, rants: i was a dork, rants: staaarry sky, rants: go away real life, rants: sachioyaji smells good, rants: i worry for my ラブ life, rants: friends are fun, rants: BL♥ exists everywhere!, rants: another fictional crush, rants: i am a girl, rants: i dont get it, rants: 陽日先生 deserves a tag, rants: download download downloooad, rants: nnnnooo ಥ___ಥ, rants: i will be punished for this

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