Disorganized Thoughts, Yay!

Jun 09, 2008 02:30

Well, I'm not going to be able to do that meme where you post the first sentence of the first post of each month at the end of the year, am I?

Lexington is mind-numbingly boring, especially sans vehicle. I'm getting a new bike whenever it arrives tomorrow, so at least my range of Places I Can Go Without Bumming Rides will expand by a few miles that make a huge difference in suburbia. Plus, extra bonus cardio!

Having been so sick all year, I want some physical strength. I remember feeling like crap after I had to get my friends to help me move out in April because my muscles had atrophied so badly. Thus, I'm turning into a bit of a gym rat. Weightlifting is my current obsession, though I'm running a lot too. (I finally ran a full lap of the walking path at the park near my house last week! Arms up in celebration, I felt like Rocky.)

I'm geeking out over the Altador Cup on Neopets right now. I find it simultaneously hilarious and brilliant that this weird fan culture has built up around fictional sports teams. The tourney hasn't even started--yet I'm already amused by the fandom on display at the fansites I frequent...sez the girl with a Roo Island t-shirt. (*cough* Join Neopets if you haven't already. *cough*)

Shall post more coherently later!
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