Jan 22, 2009 18:08

 Working in a call centre/sales type thing is the most pathetic working place I have EVER KNOWN.

It's disgusting, the systems, the negativity, the 'management'...the whole thing is a complete and utter pile of BOLLOCKS.

Basically.....Expedia is failing in Belfast, the percentages and so on have fallen massively and their contract is probably not going to be COULD be renewed if they got the staff together and positivity pushed them to fight for their own jobs.


1: Told the staff their contract is probably up in May
2: Told the staff to look for other jobs -EVEN THOUGH- they had told staff in the same sentence that they didn't need to look for other jobs.
3: Then expected everyone to work harder for their jobs...they have however:
limited everything we are allowed to be, including minutes of breaks here and there, even 'looking' at another site other Expedia can result in a disciplinary hearing...literally...if you brought up BBC News and were caught, you could quite easily be on the way to being sacked.
4: Expected some kind of positive feedback from staff on minimum wage being told their jobs aren't safe
5: I predicted everything would get worse because they have absolutely no man-management in place.
6: Had another meeting two days later to say things have got worse but they 'don't understand why'
7: This could go on for a very long time....

Basically, I've been arguing that simplisity is the key now, if you want to save any business...make everything straight forward, ask for workers feedback etc etc etc and most of all, make them feel they are part of saving their own jobs. Strangely shouting at people through emails seems to have a negative effect, really? Honestly? Stupidity Rules KO [sic]

Yesterday I was so wired with frustration that I had to slow down in case I (honestly) had a panic attack or some kind of heart-related-incident because my adrenaline was so high.


I'm ultimately so passionate about getting the life that I want now, something closer to the job I want and all the positivity that goes with that.

I Love the face I have that belief still running through me when it could easily have been sucked from me in this shitehole of an excuse for a work place.

I am going to fucking succeed and spend the next FOUR days (days off) applying for everything.

In fairness I've been applying for absolutely loads in the last month but now we've got to step up a gear and get the fuck on.


rant, work, fuckheads

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