2007...In Review! Kinda...

Dec 19, 2007 16:51

1.Sum up 2007 in three words:
Love, Focus, and Change (positive!)

2. How many times did you leave the state/country this year?
Quite a lot! For the first time in a very long time I can’t think how many, maybe 10?!

3. Did anything exciting happen in February?
The start of Jenny and I J

4. Did you celebrate any birthdays in May?
My step-dads, maybe others that was aages ago :p

5. Where did you go on your summer holidays?
I worked, but I did go to Belfast for a proper week break.

6. Do you have the same best friend as this time last year?
Yup. But Blokes Best Friends are different to girls ones...I think....

7.Do you have the same job as this time last year?
No! Ha, completely different

8. Do you live in the same house as last year?
Nope, but this is much cooolder...but I have student housemates instead of people trying to be my parents :p

9.Did you kiss anyone in August?

10.Did you discover any new hangouts this year?
Erm, we had a Cocktail Bar open which was a fun change...but is already normal.

11. Have you seen any amazing concerts?
Yow, lots! Damien Rice, Kate Nash, The Frames, Snow Patrol at Bangor (The Homecoming Gig!!), Kings of Leon, Mr Hudson & The Library....there are more....*thinks*

12.Compared to this time last year, are you:
i) happier or sad?: Happier, broke...but alive and that’s a beautiful thing.

ii) thinner or fatter?: A stone thinner! 12 n half J

iii) richer or poorer?: About the same poor level as last year...lol.....student!!

13. How many sexual partners have you had this year? One J

14. How many dates have you been on? With my Jenny, lots really and parties and travelled.

15. Did you have a love interest at the beginning of 2007?
Nope, but it was there and it became, yup.

16. Do you have a love interest now?
See above........

17. Do you think you will have the same love interest this time next year?
I very much hope so. I’d wish for a very long time indeed, definitely.

18.What did you do last new years eve?
I stayed in! I was trying to remember then, and I went for a walk first thing and it was the sunniest quietest morning I’ve ever known and inspired my first writing of the year called New Years Stroll.

19. What are you doing this coming NYE?
Going to Dublin!!

20.What is on your Christmas wish list?
Anything, and the Dr Who Christmas Special on the BBC.

21.Who will you be spending Christmas day with, and where?
At my Mother’s and then I think we’re going to brother Jay’s for drinking and more foooood.

22. What are you going to be doing in that quiet week between Christmas and New Year?
Plan my CEP Presentation and do a shite load of documentation.

23.What is your favourite:
i)song of 2007: Bloody ‘ell.....erm.....Radiohead 15 Step is PHENOMENAL but there are so many, I really can’t think. Foundations by Kate Nash is a bit of a theme of the year musically but not personally. QOSTA Sick,Sick,Sick. Arctic Monkeys stuff, Mr Hudson tracks.

ii)album of 2007: ? In Rainbows - Radiohead, Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare, Jamie T - Panic Prevention, Mr Hudson & The Library - A Tale of Two Cities,

24. Have you gained any new friends this year?
A crap load...haha! But people I actually like, I have a better ‘group’ plus old friends ;)

25. Have you lost any?
I always live on the fact that if I don’t like someone I don’t talk to them in the first place anyway, so nope.

26.Do you regret anything from 2007?
I regret drinking since I’ve been back because of boredom of the local lack of anything BUT you make your own work surely? ;) I don’t really believe in regrets, I just think there are things you do and things you don’t and it’s that simple.

27.What did you do on your birthday?
Um, got very drunk? :p Oh and went bowling which was really funny!

28. What did you get for your birthday?
I feel guilty for not really remembering, all I know is a group of us had a big gathering and all went out together because there were lots of birthdays at the same time!

29.Best discovery of 2007?
A better and so much stronger belief in myself and my abilities and now to take them to the next stage!! J

2007, music, ramble, random, jenny, writing, review, meme

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