
Feb 01, 2007 22:53

Got my essay in, it's a pile of crap but it does the job for the moment. I believe that no-one liked this bit anyway, and also I don't think it's too much of our final grade. So it's done, I can move on and get confused by something else ;-)

Lots to get together for next week to now, oh joy......hehe....

Had a few pints and chinese to celebrate but are sooooo much Chinese I basically made myself nearly sick, did not feel well, I aaaalways eat too much too quickly, so it's my own fault but starting to feel normal now.....

Tomorrow night is Verity's - housemateio - 22nd birthday and she's told us we have to dress up which is cool so I'll get my suit out, we're having housemate drinks and then out somewhere I think.

You know since our crazy mental Landlady went away I've really enjoyed the house even more, you know when you move somewhere thinking something is different, well, I've just really enjoyed our last few weeks, we sit down the stairs, in rooms, in the kitchen and just chat and have a laugh. We're all strangely honest to each other about our lives and there ain't any talking behind backs, everyone is 'normal' and cool, it's actually a pity within a few months we'll all be dispercing again into the ether, so enjoy it all whilst it lasts! :-)

Norah Jones Radio 2 thingy on the Digi box in the background making everything very quiet and calm, half a quilt, work tomorrow, sleeep calling.


food, friends, music, drink, dca

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