Feb 23, 2009 15:51
Went to HR meeting, said the Medical Records job was dull (it was) souldestroying (I would imagine, had I still a soul (I sold it for Oreos)) physically hard (backache) and depressing (backache makes Sarah sad) got put on holiday to give me something to do whilst they try and find more jobs for me to go "Meh" at. Found one in Endoscopy clinic that is 37 hours, so full time, the admin stuff sounds feasable but it's the patient contact that concerns me. If a doctor/clinic is running late, and I'm irked I don't want to tell some irrate old dear with bowel cancer to fuck off. Asked if Hydra had any jobs going, slightly attractive young man at desk reckoned he'd got the last one. Maybe I could have done that? Procrastination strikes again.
Started the "wrap" group last week.. well, had an intro to it. "Wellness Recovery Action Planning" oh them and their natty acronynms.
Got to try and keep a diary, and describe what I am like when I am well. Also, narrow down "triggers". Hmmm. Pain. IBS related accident on Friday and Saturday when I was supposed to be plotting at Pete's for Plarp. HR meeting. Finding out a friend is feeling very down, and there's not a lot I can do about it. Remembering all the crap I've to sort out (wedding, ironing, putting clothes away) Not getting out for a few days. Wasting my day sleeping (but it's comfy!)
Was kind of amusing, she told me about the course, and explained several bits, and asked if I had any questions, and first thing I asked was what perfume she was wearing :D This made her laugh mightly, turned out to be Gaultier, quite lovely.
Missing G rather badly. Paul won't do any sexy stuff cos of a frenulum breve which bleeds and feels like a papercut, so understandably he doesn't want to irritate it, however, I'm getting miffed at him not sorting a Pre Op for it yet though. Getting him to do anything at the moment is an uphill struggle, he seems to have backache/neckache or just plain tiredness a lot of the time, nope nothing to do with him playing Dawn of War or Wow in the evening, nothing at all. He's such a bugger when it comes to coming home from places as well, he's never them one that initiates the leave, always seems to be me. At least he's picking his socks up now...
Ano Geometrica tonight with Captain Dola. I ought to go even though I feel a bit crap and can't be arsed.
Artwork to do: Maps for Plarp, spheres, churches, etc
Whatever for Ano Geometrica
Monsters for FG
Birthday pressie from Grandma
Kitty picture for Sue? now I don't work there, I don't know if to bother?
Weddingy crap that needs to be done:
Design Invites for wedding
Print, send
Who to invite for wedding, who to usher?
Book food, decide on menu
Decide on Dress, Red Cheung Sam. Silk Brocade pattern? Velvet Jacket
Hair? Quite tempted by some of Dita's do's.
Cake design? Red rose, like mackintosh design on top? Ribbon round base?
Band? Dance floor?
Hire Marquee
Bar arrangements?
Speak to hotel?
Tables? Service? Top table? Speakers?
Pete as best man, Karen and Caroline as Bridesmaids? Who to Usher?
Who to have at ceremony? 30 max
Who to have at reception? Marquee in a field... 100?
Then there's the honeymoon... Japan is my first choice. I want to see the Ghibli museum, and other funky stuff.
Paul quite fancies Hawaii, the US is a bit of a possibility.
Meh, hot choccy calls.