May 05, 2005 20:24
wow, so im going to lunch with aaron tomorrow down in renton. he is so awesome! he is taking me to a baseball game next sunday... he asked if he can meet my parents when he picks me up... i think i found a keeper... omg. :) lol.. we were talking all day today when we were at work, he is so funny! "just accept the truth hon, you are hot and smart, even if you are a dork ;p" hehe, i was laughing so hard! of course he is totally lying, but still.... he is crazy! it was funny. and of course everyone at work was laughing at me because i had the biggest smile all day long. then he called me after work, and wow, we talked for over an hour, but it went by so fast! :) wow. i am totally taken away with him. :) let me know when i get back down to earth.....