
Sep 12, 2008 09:53

Warning. Angry rant below.

This place (Tyler, Texas) is dead boring. Unless you're into guns, or driving, I suppose.
(Which I'm not-- I'm ambivalent about the former and loathe the latter.)

Where is the Public Library? Somewhere within driving distance.. Okay. I can cope with that, I lost the urge to randomly go to the library after three years of nonstop school.

Nearest movie theater? I don't even know.
Hell, why bother, when no one goes to the movies with me? This kinda goes hand in hand with the fact the only people I know here are other grad students or professors.. the former of which I won't be comfortable with socially for a while.. the latter never. It takes effort to become somewhat-friends with people very different from me.

TV? Nope. No cable, we haven't even got a TV Set. (Pathetic, if you ask me.) Okay, says I, there's always the internet, right? The beautiful, glittering connection to all of my friends not in Texas, and therefore not about to be hit by a hurricane.. the lovely existence of fanfiction... MMORPGS.. etc, etc. (Joy of joys.)

No. Lately, the parental units have decided that I'm addicted to the internet. (So? Most people in my age group and below are.. How could we not be when our lives are practically on here.) Which means the more proactive of my parental units (sadly, this appears to be my stepfather) decided to THREATEN TO TAKE AWAY MY INTERNET. (Personally, I would fear for his health if he actually did this.. seriously.)

My response? You touch my internet, I knock your teeth out, or worse. Then I move out into an apartment (I don't care how. I don't care where. I don't care if I have to pay with my blood. All I know is, I WILL FIND A FUCKING WAY.) I'm not 12. It's not appropriate for me to threaten people like this.. I don't particularly care about that.

It's not appropriate to take away my only effing escape from this nowhere town, either.

I can handle being forced to wear clothes constantly. (Well, I can't exactly go running around pantsless with my stepfather here. Duh.) I can handle being the "outcast" of the grad students-- that's pretty normal, especially since I started class after they formed their little friendships. I can handle having no TV. I can handle being re-taught to drive. I can even handle Komissarov's constant questions of "what do you want to eat" and "do you want some -whatever- to eat". Hell, I can even handle being forcefully dragged to the gym almost every day.

But NO SANE PERSON should threaten my internet. Maybe I am addicted.
So what? I still finished my bachelors in three years, with an honors degree and a thesis to boot. I still function well. I still get plenty of sleep (and when I don't, I take naps.)
I still eat. Sounds like I function well enough, right?

I HATE moving back into a house with "proper" adults who think they know best about everything. (Because there's no way I'm a proper adult, almost 22 or no, eh?)

And of course, my mother decides (suddenly.. curious, isn't it?) that I'm addicted to the internet (once again, I won't argue that.. but it's not affecting my quality of life, now is it?) and must be "fixed" promptly, so she takes my stepdad's side.

Fucking hell.
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