Aug 04, 2007 19:58
Whoever decided to install such.. irritating fire alarms in the GEM aught to be shot. Repeatedly. In the face. Especially if they were also the person that placed so many of them in such close proximity of my rooms.
Honestly. Overkill, much? My ears are still ringing.
Methinks this is some greater entity's way of punishing all of the nerds for being holed up in their rooms on such a lovely evening. Ha.
Anyway, as I haven't written here in a while..
Work is fine, we finally have samples to process. Life is boring, and at times a bit lonely. (Well, it's not like I have a life outside of work and my computer.) School is still ridiculously easy. And my research (thesis) has hit a dead end for the time being. Hopefully we shall be able to acquire those B. sowerbyi ... otherwise the project will be a bust. That's all folks.