Title: Book 1: Gust of Wind
Chapter: Chapter 9- Floating Feather
Rated: G
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Warinigs: OC/OC Slash
Summary: Whitekit is born pure white but over time a gray streak appears. As his family shuns him for being half-clan, the streak darkens. 'A white feather drifts until a harsh wind blows in toward the abyss.'
A/N: Finished. :D
Homo ExplosionThe above link is where this story was originally posted. This Book is not Beta'd.
Book1- Chapter 9: Floating Feather
Hailstar snarled when Cinderstream glared at him.
"You told him?"
Hailstar returned the piercing glare. "So what?"
"This could ruin you! Do you not understand that, Hailstar? Whitestar wouln't have let this happen!"
Hailstar hissed and lashed out at his mate, leaving a small scratch along her cheek. "I am the better tom! Whitestar betrayed his clan! He had a relationship with that... that... stupid RiverClan cat! He broke the code!"
Cinderstream glared at the WindClan leader. "Ever since you found out Frizz was-"
"No! Don't you dare say that name!"
"Frizz was Glacierkit's daughter! You unknowingly mated with our enemies granddaughter!"
Hailstar spun around, his eyes cold and unforgiving. "Ya? Well you mated with her too!"
Cinderstream inched back, flinching from Hailstar's harsh voice. "I-"
"We've had this conversation before! 'I met her first! She met me first! You forced yourself on her!' Well let me tell you something, Cinderstream! How would your two little kits like to know that they aren't even normal! They are unnatural. Wrong!"
Cinderstream's ears fell against her head and she whimpered as Hailstar advanced on her.
"Now, be a good mate."
No one heard Cinderstream's whimper rise from the cave a good way away from the WindClan camp.
Whitepaw blinked slowly and lifted his head. Where was he? Feeling a warmth behind him he twisted and felt a smile form on his face when he spotted Lightnngstar laying behind him, sleeping deeply.
Whitepaw's eyes drifted around to see where he was. He froze and felt a whimper leave his throat. He was in the tunnel! He whimpered even louder when he remebered the skelton.
Whiteaw twisted around one again and burried his face in Lightningstar's shoulder, sobbing.
Lightningstar's tail traveled up and down his spine, trying to calm him down.
"Shh... I saw it Whitepaw. I understand it was something scary. Go ahead and cry until you can't cry anymore..."
Whitepaw did just that.
Whitepaw's tail twitced as he inspected the feathery herbs in front of him. "What do you think it is?"
Lightningstar turned to look at his mate and the herbs in front of him. "Wouldn't know. Kind reminds me of catmint though."
Whitepaw nodded. "Ya... kinda smells like it too..."
Lightningstar padded up to Whitepaw and licked his shoulder. "You don't think it is?"
Whitpaw shook his head. "No. Smells way to strong to be any catmint I know of."
"Maybe you sould take some to Eagelwing and see if he agrees."
Whitepaw snorted. "Ya, and what will I tell him? 'Hey Eaglewing, sorry to bother you but I was secretly meeting Lightningstar, you know, the ThunderClan leader, and I came across this herb. What is it?' That would go over real well."
Lightningstar gave his mate and look and cuffed him on the ear. "No need to be sarcastic."
"I have the right to be sarcastic if I wanna be." Whitepaw joked.
Lightningstar narrowed his eyes and smirked before he pounced on the medicine cat appentice. Once he had the yonger tom pinned down, he licked Whitepaw's cheek and stated smugly, "Still want to be sarcastic."
Whitepaw got a thoughtful look on his face before shaking his head. "Nope, I'm good."
Lightningstar snorted and leaped off of the apprentice. "Get up you lazy tom!"
Whitepaw wondered why it always seemed that Lightningstar acted like a kit more then he did. "Yes, Lightningstar?"
"You need to get back to WindClan."
Whitepaw froze and a shadow crossed over his face. Should he tell Lightningstar about what happened? Would the ThunderClan leader feel betrayed like Yewfrost had?
What if he hated Whitepaw? What if he left him like the others will?
What if-
Whitepaw's head snapped up and he found himself staring into Lightningstar's blue eyes. "Yes?"
Lightningstar searched his eyes and asked, "What's bothering you?"
Whitepaw turned his gaze to the wall of the chamber and said nothing.
"Does this have something to do with your parents?"
Whitepaw froze and slowly turned to glance at Lightningstar. "W-What?"
Lightningstar shrugged and sauntered up to the white tom. "You look nothing like your parents. Neither have green eyes or white fur. Your grandparents, from what I can remember, weren't white either. Though I think Hailstar's mom had green eyes."
Taking in a deep breath, Whitepaw nodded. "Ya... my real mom's name is Frizz. She's a kittypet."
Lightningstar smiled. He was happy that Whitepaw trusted him enough to tell him the truth about his parents. "Have you ever talked to her?"
Whitepaw paused and shook his head. "All I know is that after she had me she insisted that Hailstar take me with him."
Lightningstar nodded. "No shame in that... you want to see her?"
Whitepaw looked at Lightningstar, confused and surprised. "Want to see her?"
Lightningstar nodded. "Ya. Do you want to see her? If Hailstar got you to WindClan without you getting injured or anyone noticin him missing then he could've only met her at one place."
"The Horse Place."
Whitepaw used his shoulder to push the boulder back in front of the entrance of the tunnel.
After they discussed the option of seeing Frizz they'd decided to meet again the next night and continue talking about it to make sure they were certain that seeing his mother was the right thing to do.
Whitepaw turned and grabbed the herbs he collected from the chamber into his mouth and padded back toward WindClan camp.
Whitepaw entered the WindClan camp with the bundle of herbs in his mouth with little hesitation. Lightningstar and he had decided that maybe Eagelwing could explain what the odd herb was. Lightningstar himself had taken a sample for Kinkpelt to check out.
"What is that?"
Whitepaw turned and looked at Cloverstone. He put down the bundle in his mouth and asked, "What?"
"The herbs. They smell like catmint but they seem...off."
Whitepaw stared at Cloverstone for a moment, confused on why she was acting oddly before shrugging and nodding. "That's why I brought them to Eaglewing. Thought maybe he could explain the difference. Maybe get a name."
"For what?"
Whitepaw pushed the herbs over to Eaglewing as he approached them. "These."
Eaglewing looked between Whitepaw and Cloverstone before bending down and giving the herbs a couple sniffs. He drew back, surprise evident on his face.
"What?" Whitepaw asked, suddenly excited.
"It's... It's blackweed."
Whitepaw tilted his head. "Blackweed? What's blackweed?"
Cloverstone tilted her head as well. "I've never heard of it and I listen to alot of conversations."
Eaglewing let out a snort before shaking his head. "It's a herb that's supposed to be lost to the clans, Whitepaw. It cures Blackcough."
Whitepaw froze. "W-What? That's not possible."
Eaglewing picked up the herbs and gestured for Cloverstone and Whitepaw to follow him back to the Medicine Cat's den.
Eaglewing layed the feathery herbs down next to the catmint pile before turning on the two younger cats. "It's only supposed to grow in dark, dry places. Care to explain where you found it, Whitepaw?"
Whitepaw hesitated. Should he tell Eaglewing that he discovered the tunnel system? What would that mean for his and Lightningstar's relationship. Deciding against telling the older tom, he shook his head. "No. I can't."
Eaglewing gave him a hard gaze before slowly nodding. "StarClan showed you where it was, not me. I'll let it go."
Whitepaw nodded enthusiastically. Unfortunately, he doubted this would be the last time Eaglewing brought up the subject of where he found the extinct herb.
He turned toward Cloverstone, intent on asking her what had caused her change in attitude when Eaglewing cleared his throat.
"Come." Eaglewing padded past them and out of the den. The two younger cats followed him until the reached the middle of the clearing.
"Eaglewing?" Whitepaw shifted, he wasn't sure what Eaglewing was doing. He disappeared for a whole day and wasn't certain about what how his clanmates felt toward him.
"I, Eaglewing, medicine cat of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the way of a medicine cat, and with your help he will serve your Clan for many moons."
Whitepaw froze. Eaglewing wan't about to do what he thought he was... was he?
"Whitepaw, do you promise to uphold the way of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan, and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"
Whitepaw's eyes widened. His ceremony! He'd only tained for 6 moons! Surely he had more to learn from Eaglewing.
"I d-do?"
Eaglewing gave him a look that stated he was and continued on. "Then, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Whitepaw, from this moment you shall be known as Whitefeather. StarClan honors your spirit and honesty, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of WindClan."
Whitepaw - no, Whitefeater visibly flinched when his virtues were listed. Honesty? Ouch.
He glanced around, his clanmates staring at him. Would they except him?
"Whitefeather! Whitefeather! Whitefeather!"
Whitefeather stared at Cloverstone as she chanted his new name and couldn't help but smile. Maybe he wouldn't be as alone as he thought he would. To his surprise, Blackcreek and Yewfrost soon joined in. He stared at his best friend in shock before he felt tears of happiness come to his eyes.
Whitefeather took in a deep breath and then let it out. Maybe his life wasn't so bad after all.
He watched with narrowed eyes as a gray tom disappeared into the shadowy Dak Forest. He climbed out from under the bushes he had been hiding in and staredat the briar arch in front of him. Finally, he thought. A feral gin broke out on hs face. They had finally made a mistake. He had waited pantiently for them to make mistake and here it was. The bridge that all recently dead cats had to go through. He stalked forward slowly before smirking and letting out a yowl.
"Long live, Whitestar!"
With that, the dead white tom jumped through the arch.