Title: Still Staring at the Same Old Sky
dearthursdayRating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): OCs; Puck/Kurt
Genre: Romance
Warning: None, aside from me getting my horse geek on.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but my questionable plotlines.
Author Notes: All my horse knowledge comes from personal experience. A thousand different people do it a thousand different ways, or however the saying goes.
More importantly, a billion thanks to
Nina for the incredible art.
Word Count: 16,155
Summary: The Star Lake Horse Ranch - that's the name of Kurt's new personal hell. Animals, physical work, and no cell reception - there is no way it could get any worse. Although, just maybe, if he manages to get over himself, there are things that could actually make it better.
Still Staring at the Same Old Sky