Title: Evasive Maneuvers
pterawatersFanmix: Through the Seasons
maryaminxRating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt, Rachel, OCs
Genre: Friendship/Romance
Warning: Medical emergency for an OC background character (nothing explicit)
Spoilers: Season 3, to be safe
Disclaimer: Glee and its characters do not belong to me. This is a work of fiction and no money is being made.
Author Notes: This is the story the majority of you wanted to see. I hope it's up to snuff! Parts inspired by
this prompt.
Word Count: 17,070
Summary: After a messy break up with Blaine, Kurt couldn't stand the thought of going back to Ohio for his last summer vacation. However, he needed a better excuse to give his dad than working part-time at Nordstrom's. When that excuse became a children's music camp in upstate New York, the last person Kurt expected to run into was Noah Puckerman, his fellow counselor.
Evasive Maneuvers Fanmix