Head 'em up.

Dec 07, 2009 17:07

Author: emocezi
Title: Head 'em up.
Wordcount: 2380
Rating: R....just to be safe.
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, nor do I make a profit from this fiction.
A/N: SO...yeah. There's not much I can say other than Garth Brooks gives me plot bunnies.

Also...I know this has NOTHING to do with Glee, but...it's -29 here...without windchill. *is depressed*

Also also, Anne is based on lovelycudy who keeps insisting that she be able to marry Burt. I gave in finally...*sigh*

Also also also, Thanks to lovelycudy for beta-ing this. ~<3

Puck glanced over at Kurt, smirking at the sight of that slim body clad in cowboy gear. There was just something about tight jeans and chaps that got to everyone, no matter who it was.

The kid was all dressed up for the cattle drive. Pretty red scarf tied around his neck, snow white hat perched on top of his head, looking for all the world like a woman pretending to be a man. If Puck hadn't been splaying the kid over hay bales for the past few years, he might have still been wondering.


“Get that sum'bitch.” Burt Hummel yelled as one of the cows broke away from the herd, heading for a gully where it would fall to its death. Kurt shot a glance at Puck, who raised an eyebrow. The pale boy smirked and gently spurred his horse into action. A high pitched 'Gee'up' and he was heading after the steer, delicate hand twirling his lasso with an ease that spoke of years with a rope.

Kurt tossed the lariat over the steers head, slowing his horse and stopping the steers’ mad rush to its death. He led the animal back to the herd, slipping the lariat off its head and patting his horse on the neck.

“Good job, boy.” Burt nodded, slapping his son on the back and riding to the head of the herd. “We're headin' out. Try for the ridge 'for sunset.” Burt nodded towards a green ridge line that stretched above the tree line. “Ya get lost, fire your gun three times and someone'll come find ya. So, don' get lost.” Several men chuckled, Kurt rolling his eyes when Puck looked at him pointedly. He'd only gotten lost once, and that had been in a freak spring snowstorm. “HEAD 'EM UP!”


They'd made it to the ridge by sunset, and everyone was tired, sweaty and covered in dust. A trip that normally only took an hour by horseback had taken them the entire day. Chasing after strays, taking a break for lunch, and crossing one of the larger rivers on the way up the mountain.

“Boss” Will tipped his hat to Burt, then to Kurt. “Little boss” Kurt resisted the urge to roll his eyes or glare at the term, which he'd been on the receiving end of since he'd been old enough to swing a lasso.

“Will” Burt nodded back, he patted Kurt's shoulder to let his son know to go help set up camp. Kurt walked away to the sound of his father talking to his main ranch hand. Will Schuester had been on since before Kurt could remember. He'd always been around, had taught Kurt how to saddle his first horse.

Finn and Mike were setting up the tents. Matt had the fire going and Artie was frying up beans and bacon. Which meant Puck must be off looking after the horses. Kurt shrugged, trying to hide his smirk. If anyone asked, it was simply the most logical step in finding something to help with.


“Need any help?” Puck glanced over to see Kurt holding a hoof pick.

“Sure. And Sadie still need going over.” Emma was Will's mare, named after his wife. A gentle dun mare with chocolate brown eyes. She lipped at Kurt's hair when he tapped her back leg, grabbing it and picking her hoof, digging out the dirt and tiny rocks that could potentially cripple a horse. Kurt and Puck worked in silence, only speaking when necessary. They might have been tension between them, but taking care of the horses came first before anything else. After the last brush stroke Puck grabbed Kurt's scarf, hauling the skinny boy over for a thorough kiss.

“You were a horrible distraction all day.” Puck hissed into Kurt's ear, nipping at his jaw. “It's physically painful to ride with a hard-on. I couldn't even look at you.”

“I know how you feel.” Kurt murmured, hitching himself up and wrapping his legs around Puck's waist. He may have been a skinny thing, but years of riding had made him tough and springy. Thighs strong and supple, and Puck had lost count of how many times he'd felt them flex when Kurt was riding him.

“You fucking well better have suffered as much as I did. Chaps are so fucking hot on you.” Puck's hands went to Kurt's hips, gripping onto them so he could grind up against the pale boy.

“Oh, God. Puck.” Kurt was gripping at his shoulders, desperately mouthing along his jaw, licking inside his mouth. “Hurry, hurry.”

“Fuck you so hard. When we get back… bend you over a stall, tie you up and stick a bit in that pretty mouth.”

“Oh, God, yes. Harder.” Kurt's breath was hitching, forehead pressed to Puck's, grinding down in an attempt to gain more friction. “Fuck...harder.”

“Little bitch. Fucking take it.” Kurt stiffened; he gave a sobbing gasp and went limp. That was all it took for Puck, just the feel of Kurt going over the edge. He sank to his knees, still holding onto Kurt who was panting, limp and draped against his body. “That feels better.” Puck murmured, tipping Kurt's head back for a slow deep kiss.

“COME AND GET IT!!” Artie's voice rang out, the dinner bell clanging loudly in the quiet night air. The two looked over at camp, tents vaguely highlighted in the dusk by the wavering firelight.

“Should probably not do this so close to camp.” Kurt said softly, yawning and resting his head against Puck's shoulder. “M'tired now'

“It's not like they don't know.” Puck pressed a kiss to the side of Kurt's head, pushing himself. “You need to eat before you sleep. Get any skinner and you'll disappear.”

“S'not my fault I gotta high 'tabloism.” Kurt's voice was slurring, a sure sign he was falling asleep. The boss' son could drive cattle with the best of them, pushed himself harder than most to prove he was nowhere near as delicate as he looked. But when he was done for the day, he was out like a light.


Kurt stumbled into camp, rubbing at his eyes sleepily. The group smiled up at him, knowing how fast Kurt could fall asleep at the end of the day. Puck stayed out with the horses for another few minutes, trying to keep suspicions down. But even as he grabbed a plate and sat next to Kurt he could see the speculation, and then the smirks.

“Should put a bell on you.” Burt commented, shooting Puck a look, then glancing at his son who was leaning against Puck, staring blearily into the fire. “Kurt, eat your supper and you can go to bed.”

“M'not hungry.”

“Eat.” Puck said softly, poking Kurt in the side. The pale boy sighed and picked up his fork, slowly but methodically finishing his food. Puck ignored the shared smirks from the rest of the guys. They were like a second family, and teasing was mandatory.


Puck woke early. He took a look at his watch, noting the glow-in-the-dark hands were pointing to 3:45 am. Kurt was curled up against him. They shared body heat and bed space, but Kurt wasn't a cuddler, never had been. He'd snuggle up during a movie, or just to annoy Puck when he was busy. But when they slept, he kept to himself, staying in a fetal position.

Puck yawned, slipping a hand under Kurt and hauling him over so he was splayed across Puck's chest. Kurt made a sleepy noise, shifting around to find a more comfortable position. His face ended up buried in the hollow where Puck's shoulder met his neck, one pale hand resting on Puck's heart, legs tangling in between the older boy’s. Puck sighed a little, and settled back into sleep. They didn't have to be up till 6.


Kurt blinked awake, his watch beeping softly and doubling as an alarm clock. Apparently Puck had been in a cuddly mood in the middle of the night, as Kurt usually didn't wake sprawled across his boyfriend’s chest. He untangled himself gently, not wanting to wake Puck before he needed to be up.

Kurt dressed silently in the dark and then slipped out of the tent. The sky was still dark, that inky blue black perforated with stars. Kurt loved this time of the morning. When it was just him and the sky. He stretched, shivered a little and was glad he'd thought to throw on his jacket.

A growing band of lighter blue on the horizon heralded the coming of the sun. And as Kurt built up the fire he knew everyone else would be up soon. There was a small stream by the horses, the water was cold and clean, coming from a glacier somewhere on the mountain. He used it to fill the kettle, then grabbed the percolator and filled it to the brim with coffee. They may have been in the middle of nowhere, but it didn't mean they couldn't have the comforts of home.

When the tripod was set up over the fire, and the kettle was on its way to boil, Kurt grabbed two of the three frying pans they carried with them. Setting them on the tripod as well. Someone, probably Artie, had thought to bring along bacon, eggs, and potatoes. The potatoes had been boiled the day before, and Kurt smiled as he slid bacon into both frying pans.


Puck awoke to the smell of bacon and coffee and wondered if he was home for a moment. Kurt wasn't next to him, which meant he was the one responsible for the smells of breakfast. Puck stretched, then got up. He pulled on a pair of jeans and a button up shirt, tossed on his sheep skin jacket and tossed open the tent flap. Kurt was sitting on a folding stool talking quietly to his father.

“Mornin'” Burt called out and Puck smiled, slipping his hands in his pockets and striding over to the fire. “Rain on the horizon.” Burt nodded towards the east, where a faint wisp of cloud cover marred the otherwise perfect sunrise.

“Looks like it should hit in the afternoon. Light drizzle.” Puck commented, taking a seat next to Kurt who was slicing up potatoes into the bacon grease. They sizzled and fried when they hit the fat. Kurt nudged Puck's foot with his own, getting the other mans attention.

“Grab the eggs; I'm almost ready for them.” Puck got up, rooting through Artie's saddle bags until he came across the white lumpy plastic case that ensured the fragile shells stayed whole. He walked back to Kurt who accepted the case, tilting his head up as Puck leaned in to kiss him good morning.

“Can't you guys give it a rest for one day?” Finn called out, lanky frame covering ground in giant steps. There were shouts of agreement from several tents as more of the guys woke up.

“Yeah, we can't kiss our ladies.” Artie shouted, half falling out of his tent as he pulled on his boot.

“How is that my problem?” Puck asked with a smirk, ruffling Kurt's hair. Artie glared playfully at him, Kurt simply turning to talk to his father, ignoring Puck.


The rain struck mid afternoon, as Puck had said it would. More a heavy mist than anything else, the kind that stuck around for the rest of the day and soaked everything.

They got to the spring grazing grounds just as the sun began to set. The day had been arduous, and physically taxing. Artie, Finn and Puck went to look after the horses, Matt, Mike and Will setting up the tents. Burt set up a tarp over the fire, ensuring that it would stay going, and they would stay dry.

Kurt got the fire going. He'd been collecting small bits of fluff, and smaller dry branches all morning before the wet started, and had a large ball of tinder as a result. The wet wood hissed for a few moments, but caught regardless.

Will had shot a couple of rabbits on the way up, and Kurt went about gutting and cleaning them. He set one up whole on a spit, cutting the other up into decent sized pieces and frying it with leftover potatoes and a wild onion. Burt filled the kettle and set it on the tripod to percolate, then opened up a couple cans of beans, leaving them to warm.

Everyone was exhausted, and yet kept pushing themselves to eat, knowing they'd need the energy for the next day.


The next day dawned hot, as if in apology for the rain, it was perfect weather for heading home. The cattle would stay here till late fall, getting fat naturally without the help of steroids so many other ranchers used.

Everyone was in a joking mood that day. Stealing hats and boots. Chasing each other around at breakfast like kids on a playground. Midday was almost too hot, and when they arrived at the river around lunchtime, nearly everyone shimmied out of their clothes and leapt in. Splashing around and dunking each other.


The group arrived back at Hummel Ranch late in the afternoon. There was laziness in the air, the kind you feel when you've accomplished something large.

The horses went into the barn, they were brushed and curried, hooves picked and the tangles in their manes and tales were worked out. By the time everything was done it was approaching seven. Several dinner bells were rung from across the property. Will saluted and left. Smiling as he approached Emma, standing on the porch. She looked ready to pop, heavy with child, and Will stroked her stomach before kissing her hello.

Everyone else headed for the sprawling house made of wood and stone that Burt's father had built, and he had added on. The house would go to Kurt eventually, passed down as the ranch would be.

Burt had remarried a few years ago, a stunning dark haired woman named Anne. Kurt had disliked her at first, thinking she was trying to replace his mother, but the two had reached an understanding, and he adored her now.

Finn reached the door first, holding it open for everyone else. Anne was at the stove, stirring a pot of chili and humming. She looked over at the group of cowboys standing in the kitchen, unabashedly staring at the food on the counter.

“The food won't serve itself, someone set the table.” Anne spoke, smiling at Burt who came to kiss her hello. Matt and Artie grabbed bowls and glasses, Mike grabbing spoons and Puck grabbing a knife to slice up a loaf of fresh bread.

Kurt and Finn stood in the kitchen, feeling a little useless. Anne bustled over to Kurt and wrapped him in a hug, kissing his cheek, then moving to hug Finn. They were all her boys, her surrogate sons.


Supper had been a boisterous affair. Everyone talking and laughing at the same time, trying to speak over everyone else. The boys had pushed Burt and Anne out of the kitchen, sent them to watch a movie while they cleaned up after supper. It had turned into a towel snapping soap bubble fight. As it usually did when six boys attempted to do dishes at the same time. But no dishes were broken, and the kitchen was spotless.

Puck and Kurt headed up to their room, while the rest of the guys said goodnight and headed off to the bunkhouse they shared.

Kurt had always played his music loud in his youth, and even living in the attic hadn't kept the music from reverberating through the rest of the house. So Burt had soundproofed the attic, ensuring whatever Kurt did in his room, the rest of the house couldn't hear. It was only after Puck had started sniffing around his son five years ago that he'd appreciated the sound proofing.


Puck picked up a slim band of gold from the dresser, handing it to Kurt.

“I don't know why you don't wear it all the time.”

“Because if I lost this thing on a drive, I'd never forgive myself” Kurt grinned, slipping on the ring and pulling Puck into a kiss.

“I’ll get you a chain for it, then you'll never have to take it off.” Puck growled against his lips, sliding his hands under Kurt's shirt.

“Always so possessive”

“Definitely. Why would I want to let you get away?”

“Mmmmmm. Nothing on Earth could make me leave you.”

“S'why you're wearing my ring.”

“I can't wait for summer.” Kurt sighed against Puck's mouth, the older boy smiling and walking Kurt backwards to the bed.

“Remind me why, again?”

“Cause I finally get to marry you.”


oneshot, r, author: emocezi

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