Before He Cheats

Dec 02, 2009 00:14

Author: emocezi
Title: Before He Cheats
Wordcount: 608
Rating: R for copious use of foul language.
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee nor do I make a profit from this fiction.
A/N: I was listening to Carrie Underwood's 'Before He Cheats' on the bus this morning and this popped into my head. So naturally I had to write it out and share it with you guys.

Puck had slept in...again. And despite protests that it wouldn't matter if he just stayed home till after lunch, his mother had forced him out of the house.

Fucking school.

He'd have to watch Hummel parade around with the new kid, David Whatshisname hanging off his arm like some sort of accessory. It's not like he hated gays, he just didn't think he had to watch them make out in school. He didn't like seeing normal couples swap DNA in the cafeteria, so it wasn't like he was just hating on Kurt.

Puck took his time walking, and it was only when he heard the sound of breaking glass that he started rushing. What the hell was going on in the parking lot? Was someone breaking into cars? They'd have to answer to him if they though they could just damage student property.

The jock stopped dead, jaw dropping at the sight of Kurt Hummel swinging a bat with all his wiry strength straight into the windshield of his boyfriend's 'pop-your-cherry-red' Corvette.

“Hummel?!?” Kurt stopped, shifting to face him. “What are you doing?” The gleek was panting a little, lifting a hand to casually swipe his bangs out of his eyes. Pale fingers made the move somehow dramatic in a move that impressed the jock.

“Apparently David,” The name was like acid. “Thinks that being bisexual means you can stick your cock in anything without consequences.” Kurt's knuckles turned whiter then usual around the bat. “BASTARD!!!!”

Puck watched in awe as Kurt whirled back around and started hammering on the car again. Well hell...that looked like fun.

“You're arms are too skinny. Give me the bat.” Puck dropped his backpack, holding out his hand. “You're only doing superficial damage, they can buff out those little chicken scratches in no time.”

“Fine.” Kurt handed Puck the bat, eyes furious. “I want the entire body replaced. Doors, headlights, everything. Fuck around on me?” Puck shot a somewhat nervous glance at the gleek. Remind him never to get on Kurt's bad side. “I don't fuckin' think so.”

It was oddly hot, Puck thought as he started swinging. The word 'Fuck' coming out in that high girly voice. The feeling of metal crumpling under the steel bat was therapeutic, and Puck started zoning out as he systematically worked his way around the car. The windows had been taken care of already, glass littering the ground like cheap diamonds.

“You know.....I think that's good.” Kurt spoke up from his place on the sidelines. “And when he comes to my father...” The gleek's smile was evil. Seventh level of hell evil.

“Dude...remind me never to get on your bad side.”

“You've never actually gotten on my good side.” Kurt said raising an eyebrow. Puck shuffled his feet a little, not sure what to say to that. “ gratitude for helping me ruin the bastard's car.” Kurt buffed his nails against his shirt, holding them up to inspect the shine. “Lunch? Or do you have school?” The gleek sneered and Puck could hear the unsaid words. Man enough to be seen in public with me?

“As long as your paying.” Puck scoffed, stooping to pick up his backpack.

“What kind of a benefactor would I be if I made you pay and do all the work?” Kurt snarked back. As they climbed into Kurt's vehicle, a manly scream could be heard drifting across student parking.

“MY CAR!!!!!”

And Kurt laughed as he peeled out of the lot.


oneshot, r, author: emocezi

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