Hummels Way.

Dec 01, 2009 12:28

Author: emocezi
Title: Hummel's Way
Wordcount: 3869
Rating: R.....just to be safe.
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, nor do I make a profit from this fiction.
A/N: Wow....I never thought I'd get attacked by AU bunnies in this fandom. It's based on THIS picture.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words...this picture is worth nearly four thousand.

“Protect my son.” Burt Hummel spoke softly, his attention focused solely on the young man in front of him. “Guard him with your life, and whatever you want, is yours.”

“I will.”

“Go then, he's waiting to meet you.”


Noah 'Puck' Puckerman had joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation a year and a half ago, straight out of college. He'd been placed in a small task force bent on taking down the Hummel Organization. And after only a few months of training had been offered an undercover position. A chance to go in and take them down from the inside. He'd jumped at the chance.

The Hummel Organization. It had been around for years, their name synonymous with car theft, the underground gambling circuit, and the kind of loans you couldn't get at a bank. It had grown from a vague whisper to a semi-respected operation in the twenty odd years since Burt Hummel had taken it over from his father.

Everyone knew they were dirty, knew that Burt dealt under the table. But even with the knowledge, there was no proof. And lack of proof meant that they couldn't take Hummel down.

Someone had to get on the inside, record a conversation, find the tiniest shred of proof. A post-it note, an e-mail, anything that would link Burt Hummel to anyone of the various crimes he took part in. And everyone knew, from the FBI to Hummel's barber, that his son was his weak point.

So here was Puck, walking away from Burt Hummel's desk. He'd done dirty work for six months just to get the chance to stand here. To talk to the Man himself. His veins were humming, adrenaline still rushing through his blood at how close he'd gotten to his target. He could do this, how hard could it be to watch Kurt Hummel, keep him out of trouble?


Kurt eyes were the only thing that moved when Puck walked in the room. Burt's only son sat on the edge of a plush leather couch, a novel in his pale hands.

Puck had to stop himself from gaping. He'd seen the picture's of Kurt Hummel. Laughed with the other members of his team at how the nineteen year old resembled a twelve year old milk maid. But up close, and in person, Kurt Hummel gave the impression of a frozen lake. Serene and icy but below the surface, death waited to any that attempted the journey across.

“You're the new one.” There was no question in that feminine voice. “Think you can do better than my last bodyguard?”

“How hard could it be?” Puck smirked, tucking his hands in his pockets. Kurt slid a bookmark into the pages and snapped his book closed, standing in a smooth motion that made Puck think of exotic dancers for some reason.


It took Puck a week to learn his new duties. There was a car available night and day for Kurt, and at first Puck had thought he'd be driving it. He'd been informed by the uniformed driver that he was to 'sit in the back with young sir.' And from the way the driver had spoken, Puck had gotten the sense that the staff adored the kid. Would die for him.

And Puck wondered, not for the first time, how anyone so emotionless and icy could generate such a range of feeling in others.

The job wasn't hard, but talking to someone who looked at you as if you were an idiot child tended to make you feel inferior. And Puck figured this was why people stayed quiet around Kurt. His voice could be mistaken for a young girls, but he had a way of speaking that made you take the nicest comment as an insult.


It took Kurt three weeks to start speaking to Puck instead of at him.

“What's your name?”


“Your.Name.” Kurt said slowly, as if he were talking to a slow child.


“Is that a question?”

“ It's Puck.”

“Your mother honestly named you Puck? Did she have an unnatural love for Shakespeare then?”

“It's a nickname.” Puck rolled his eyes, wondering why they were having this conversation driving through downtown traffic on the way to meet Kurt's father.

“Did you not understand when I asked for your name?” Puck met Sid's eyes in the rear view mirror. The driver wincing sympathetically.

“It's Noah.” Puck muttered, looking out he tinted window in an attempt to keep from strangling the boy next to him.

“Hmmm. I wouldn't have pegged you for a Noah.” Kurt sounded disinterested, pulling out his BlackBerry to check his messages. “It's a smart name.”

“Are you saying I'm stupid?”

“Less than intelligent maybe. But not stupid.” Puck's knuckles were white in an attempt to keep from just reaching over and breaking Kurt's jaw.


Weeks of wanting to strangle Kurt whenever he opened his mouth, weeks of sitting around staring at the wallpaper before Puck found out why Kurt needed a body guard.

Being the son of Burt Hummel meant he had to stay in the public eye. At least that's what he told Puck when it was announced they were going to New York for Fashion Week. A dear friend had to be visited, clothing must be purchased, and new designers either scoffed or praised.


The trip to New York from Boston only took a few hours by plane.

Puck had never flown in first class before, and took advantage of it by ordering those little bottles of alcohol they gave out on planes. Three small bottles of scotch later and he felt a little more comfortable under Kurt's scrutiny. Flirting with the waitress who flirted back, ignoring Kurt who ignored him.


“Whose the friend?”


“You said we were visiting a dear friend. Whose the friend?” Puck settled into the backseat of the nondescript black car that had picked them up from the airport.

“You're his replacement.” Kurt said softly, pulling a slim black iPod out of his pocket and slipping the earbuds on. Puck blinked, not sure how he felt about seeing the man who had been Kurt's bodyguard before this.

Artie Abrams had been a blackbelt in Jujitsu, Karate, Taekwondo and Capoeira. But that was before he'd been shot in the lower back protecting Kurt from a disgruntled ex-employee. The bullet had shattered several lumbar vertebrae, and ensured that he'd never walk again.


“Kurt. What are you doing here?”

“Fashion week in New York and you thought I wouldn't visit?” There was a playful note in Kurt's voice that Puck had never heard before, one that made him think that maybe there was an actual person hiding underneath the icy exterior. “I'm hurt, Artie.”

“I didn't think I'd get ranked before fashion.” Kurt smiled, like actually smiled and Puck felt his heart speed up. What the hell? “This my replacement?” The smile on Artie's face dimmed from 'friend' to 'new acquaintance'. “He taking care of you?”

“There's been nothing to take care of. Everything's been quiet on the western front.” Kurt's smile dimmed to something sweet that spoke of a shared history.


“Why does he live in New York?” Puck asked once they were back in the car.

“If you were shot in Boston, and told you would never walk again, in Boston, would you really want to live in Boston?”




Fashion had never been Puck's thing. Ever.

So when Kurt had immediately started in on why that designer was a god, and this designer was the spawn of the devil, Puck zoned out. Walking a few steps ahead of Kurt, making sure no one got too close to the boy he was guarding.

It was only after Kurt had gone silent for longer then 30 seconds that Puck's internal alarm went off. He shot a glance behind his shoulder, then whirled around, heart pounding as he realized that Kurt wasn't behind him, Kurt wasn't anywhere.

He'd been warned about this, that someone might try to take Kurt and to keep a close eye on him. He'd known from his files that there was a rival syndicate in New York, one that kept trying to convince Burt to join their 'family'. Puck knew that they would use Kurt against his father, it was how Sue Sylvester worked. She was dirty to the core, slave trade, drug rings, prostitution.

Burt Hummel may have been part of a mafia-esque lifestyle, but the man had lines he refused to cross. And Puck had to respect that, even if he was helping to bring him down.


Kurt refused to look at anyone in the room. He sat straight in his chair, head held high despite the ropes around his arms and legs. This was far from the first time he'd been used as an attempted pawn against his father, and he wasn't naive enough to think it would be the last. Someone would come for him, someone always did.

“Silly little boy. You really think anyone's gonna know where you are?” Sandy Ryerson cooed, stroking a finger down Kurt's pale cheek. He was amused to feel the slight shudder, though no emotion showed on that milk white skin. “You're mine, sweetheart. Those are the terms you know. Daddy joins, or I get to keep you.”

“Hands off the brat, Ryerson.” Sue snapped as she strode into the room. “You put one mark on him, and Hummel will give himself up to send us to hell.” Sandy scuttled off, leering at Kurt from across the room.

Sue crouched down in front of Kurt, snake eyes narrowed and mean. Her mouth was curled into a sneer, and Kurt could see from her bone structure she'd once been beautiful. But hate and anger had eaten that away, left her looking sallow and far too thin.

“I'm calling your father, and you will tell him everything I tell you to.”

“You can go to hell.” Kurt spat, face jerking to the side at the casual stinging backhand. “I'd die before telling my father to get mixed up with you.” He could feel his face already starting to swell and bruise, the curse of such pale skin.

“We wouldn't kill you. It would be such a waste everything you have to offer. I have several clients that would pay a fortune to play with you.” Kurt swallowed convulsively at Sue's words. She held up a phone, smile dark and sadistic. The stuff nightmares are made of.


Puck was frantic. He'd made a call first to Burt, then to the New York Bureau branch. Explained the situation on each phone call. Burt had stayed surprisingly calm, letting Puck know that he would be on the next flight out. The Bureau on the other hand had flipped, wanting to know how Puck had let their ace-in-the-hole, slide out of his hands.

It shocked him. Being told that Kurt was a means to an end. Just a quick way to bring down his families empire. He'd known it when he started. But working with Kurt, seeing him every day, watching the subtle changes on his face, hearing the different tones of his voice. He was starting to see Kurt. For himself, not just as Burt's only son. The lonely Heir.

He knew they needed to bring Hummel down, knew that Burt was a dangerous man to cross. But as he looked down at his phone, after he'd been hung up on, he wondered if that was really the right idea. There were so many other people who needed to be hunted down, needed to be brought to justice. And the Government was wasting tax money on Burt Hummel. The man gave money to charities.

Puck swore softly and slid his phone back in his pocket. He had a plane to meet.




“Sue....has requested that I inform you of her...terms of business.”

“I'm listening.”

“She sends a formal invitation to join her company.”


“Or sweet little Kurt gets sold for a hefty price. I've already got several buyers lined up.”

“Sue. Put my son back on the line.”

“You don't set the terms here Hummel. I do.” The sharp sound of an open palm meeting flesh, and the line went dead.

Burt's hand clenched into a fist, he stared at his phone for a few moments before tucking it back in it's holster with the kind of precision only a man with a dangerous temper used. He turned to Puck, eyes blazing with anger.

“If you think I don't know about you being're an idiot. Do whatever it takes to save my son.” Burt clapped a hand on Puck's shoulder, fingers clenching tight for a moment. The younger man was frozen, fear felt in every cell of his body. How did Burt know? This was supposed to be safe, no one was supposed to have discovered has agent status. Puck nodded, not trusting his voice.


“How could daddy even say no. He lost mommy, he couldn't bear to lose you. To know that you're suffering a fate worse then death every night.” Sue kept circling his chair, like a shark scenting blood in the water. Kurt kept his breathing steady refusing to let his fear show. He knew for a fact that his father would never give in to Sue's demands. He'd turn himself in before he joined her den of thieves.

“It's been three hours, shouldn't we call him back?” Sandy whined from the corner of the room.

“When I want your opinion Ryerson, I will ask you for it.” Sue snarled, then cocked her head, expression turning thoughtful. “On second though, maybe that's not such a bad idea.” Kurt's breath caught, anything that made Sue look happy he wanted no part in. “Let daddy know we haven't started in on you...yet.” Sue grabbed her phone, flipping it open and pressing a few buttons. A scuffling noise on the stairs outside the room caught her attention and she narrowed her eyes.

“What are those idiot's up to now? I thought I told them to stay downstairs.” The door flew open, the black uniforms of the New York City SWAT team poured in. Kurt started to shake, unable to stop. The feeling of relief so huge when one of the SWAT came over to him once the room had been cleared.

The man cut the ropes from his arms, gently freeing him. Kurt hadn't even realized the damage done to his wrists until he looked down at his own skin. The ropes had been tied far too tight, had bit into his flesh in places. Deep bruising covered several inches of his flesh, and his fingers tingled as blood flowed back into them.

“Can you walk?” Kurt shook his head, knowing that his ankles would be in the same shape as his hands if not worse. He felt like he should know the mans voice from somewhere. It was familiar in a subtle way. “Here, put your arm around my shoulders. That's it.” Kurt bit back a whimper as he was lifted from the chair. His entire body ached when the man shifted his arms to distribute his weight more evenly.

“Got him?” Another member asked, and the man carrying him nodded. “Nice work man, we never would have gotten another chance at Sylvester.” Kurt nearly bit through his lip at the slight bounce going down the stairs.


His father was waiting at the hospital, expression fierce when they rolled him in on the stretcher he'd deemed completely unnecessary. He waited until they'd set Kurt up in his own private room. Settled an IV into his arm, filled with antibiotics to fight off any infection, and a slow morphine drip for the wounds he was just starting to feel.

The morphine made him drowsy, and Kurt held out his hand for his father to take as he was pulled under.

“Noah...was there?”

“Yes, he was.”

“He's....with them?”

“He's a Federal Agent, Kurt.”


“Yes. He used you to get to me.”

“Shoulda...known.” Kurt's whisper was full of betrayal.

“There was no way you could have known.”

“Why didn' tell me?”

“I hate that you have to go through life always second guessing why anyone talks to you.” Burt squeezed Kurt's hand, feeling awkward talking about Puck, when he knew the younger man was in the waiting room. “Go to sleep. It'll all look better in the morning.” Burt leaned over, pressing a kiss to Kurt's forehead. He waited until his son fell asleep, then quietly left the room.


“You look better.”

“I have nothing to say to you.” Kurt flicked through the television channels, cursing basic cable for having nothing but daytime dramas on at this hour.

“I'm not going to apologize for doing my job.”

“Fine. Get out.”

“I will apologize for not taking this job seriously. I shoulda been watching you.”

“Is that you talking, or your Superior?” Kurt's voice was surprisingly bitter for the blank bored expression.

“Kurt...fuck. I didn't mean to hurt you.”

“So you thought going after my father and sending him to jail for the rest of his life would make me happy? I really don't care what you feel you have to say Noah.” Kurt kept flicking through channels, refusing to look over where Puck slouched in his chair. “I've been used before, by people who think I'll roll over on my father. You're just another notch on the pole. Just another Federal Agent who looked at my picture and though I would be an easy nut to crack.”

“Why are you doing this?” Puck sounded surprised and Kurt slowly turned to face him.

“Did you really think that you could strut in here and everything would be go back to normal? That I would fall into your arms and we would live happily ever after?” Puck shifted, looking at his scuffed up sneakers. “I've seen the way you look at me. The badly hidden want, the little half fantasies you've made up. Was I the reward for taking down my father?”

“...” Puck tried to speak, but the words running through his mind were simply inadequate.

“Wouldn't be the first time I've been offered up.” It struck Puck that Kurt didn't sound angry when he spoke, he sounded tired.

“You weren't a weren't anything in the operation.”

“Except the means to an end.” Kurt's voice was quiet when he turned back to the television. “Never been that before.”


Kurt stayed in the hospital for two more days before he snapped at the pampering and was sent home. Burt arranged to have a nurse come to the house to change his bandages twice a day.

Puck didn't visit again. And Kurt told himself that he didn't care.


Three months passed. Nothing marking the passage of time save for the constant news articles about Sue Sylvester awaiting trial.

Burt brought in a new bodyguard. But Kurt was done trusting his father with his guards. The first thing he did when he was introduced to Finn Hudson was to Google his name. You could make up a fake persona easily, but if even the tiniest shred of information was on the Internet, you were screwed.

Kurt discovered that Finn had been the quarterback at his high school in Ohio, he'd gotten his girlfriend pregnant, and they were due to be married in a few months. He also learned that Finn had gone to a Police academy and had graduated from it with honors. It seemed as if he would never get away from this type.


“You wanted to see me, sir?” Puck stepped into William Schuester's office. The man always made him feel like he was in high school.

“You're up for a recommendation for taking down Sue Sylvester.” Will motioned for him to take a seat.

“Thank you, sir.”

“'ve been off these last few months.”

“I've got a lot on my mind, sir.”

“You fell for him didn't you?” Will's voice was soft and Puck nodded, not trusting his voice. “I know what you're thinking. There are so many worse crimes out there. Serial rapists, murderous, people like Sue. And we're going after a man who's never really hurt anyone.” Will sighed, leaning back in his chair. “You remind me of myself, Puck. You get involved with your target, and then everything's blurred around the edges.”

“Who was it?” Puck asked, and was surprised to see Will's expression go soft with remembrance.

“Her name was Emma. She was a con artist. One of the best I've ever seen. You'd look into her sweet brown eyes and just believe what ever she told you.”

“What happened?”

“I got involved. Learned about her past, saw the real her. And then I let her go. She lives in Paris now, and I get a card every year. It's blank except for a kiss.” Will smiled sadly. “And it's enough.” Puck looked at his hands, not knowing if he should even try to explain what he was thinking.

“You're fine with it...with everyone knowing that you let her get away. That you failed your job?”

“Puck...Noah. No one can tell you what's right and what's wrong. What's wrong for someone else may be right for you. If I had the chance to redo everything, I'd still let her go. Because someone like that, can't be caged.” Will seemed to sense Puck's hesitation. “This conversation doesn't leave my office.”

“I don't know if I want to be this anymore. Yeah, we put Sue away, but if it wasn't for her taking Kurt we never would have even gotten the chance. I've always wanted to be an agent...but I can't stop thinking about Kurt. I hurt him, and I couldn't even apologize.”

“Puck. You know that saying about loving something and letting it go?” Puck nodded and Will grinned at him. “It's bullshit. If you love something, you wrap it up tight and never let it out of your sight.”

“You won't think bad of me? If I leave the Bureau?”

“If I had half the courage you have, I'd have gone with Emma when she gave me the choice to run with her.” Will's eyes were serious and Puck stood, knowing what he had to do. “Get him Puck. And don't let go this time.”


“Back again?” Burt's lips twitched as he looked up at the young man standing in front of his desk. “He's not gonna be happy to see you.” Puck nodded soberly, knowing that the road to Kurt's forgiveness was going to be a long and rocky one.

“He'll have to get over it. I'm not leaving this time.”

“Finally discovered those shades of grey have you?” Burt smiled, standing and walking around the desk to pull Puck into a hug. “Welcome to the family.”


oneshot, r, author: emocezi

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