Title: Diplomat's Son
goddesspixie182 Character(s)/Pairing(s): pure Puck/Kurt
Rating: PG-13, maybe R but seriously doubtful
Gennre: Romance, Drama, slight-Angst
Word Count: 5,232
Author Notes: Written for
puckurt 's Diva-Off: Round 7 using the
tree picture. I would like to thank my beta
oh_you_dork for being amazing! Also this fic takes place in Amsterdam and Kurt is from the Caribbean nation of Saint Martin (which is French) and shares an island with Saint Maarten (which is Dutch).
Warning: AU, drugs and mention of sex
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: nothing is mine and I do mean nothing!Not Glee or the Vampire Weekend song that inspired the title and fic as a whole.
Summary:Kurt spends some time with Noah in Noah's native city Amsterdam...they both knew it couldn't last.
Diplomat's Son