Title: Is it worth it
Characters: Kurt/Puck
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None for Glee but there are for the movie Fireproof
Genre: Drama
Summary: Written for a prompt on the Glee Angst Meme: Puckurt a la Fireproof with Puck/jocks as the firemen and Kurt as Puck's husband. Fireproof is a movie about a married couple thinking about divorce. Only loosely based on movie to fit the Glee characters. Puck and Kurt are married but are having problems. Puck takes some advice that leads him on a last chance effort to save his marriage but is Kurt starting to move on?
Disclaimer: Don't own any characters associated with Glee.
Word Count: 605
Puck put aside the book for a while. He needed to clear his head. He needed to decide if it was worth putting so much effort into something that was most likely going to fail. He still loved Kurt but if the other man’s mind was made up, Puck was going to end up getting his heart broken. Putting himself in that position went against everything he had learned since the day his father had walked out of his life.
A few days later found Puck on his day off and tackling some of the house issues Kurt had mentioned a while ago. Part of him hoped if he proved to Kurt that he had been listening, his husband would see he wasn’t the bad guy that Kurt seemed to think he’d become. So far he’d fixed the busted screen door, fixed the lock on the backdoor, and was now in the process of fixing the sticky drawers of Kurt’s dresser.
He opened the top drawer and there it was. Kurt had no reason to think Puck would ever look in his underwear and sock drawer so he had hidden it there. The clothes had been folded and carefully placed to make room for a long box. The box was already opened and inside was a single white rose and a note.
He couldn’t believe it. He wouldn’t believe it. As bad as things had become between them, there was no way Kurt would cheat on him. Kurt had been incredibly angry when Mercedes had found out her boyfriend, now an ex, had cheated on her last year so Puck knew Kurt wouldn’t cheat on him. That didn’t mean someone else wasn’t interested.
He had to do something. If another guy was moving in on Kurt then he needed to prove to Kurt that he was still a good guy. He needed to prove they could still work. He shoved the drawer back into place and grabbed the book. There had to be something in it that related to his situation.
He found it on one of the days he’d skipped.
“Marriage has many enemies in the world. They come in different forms and use different strategies but they will conspire to destroy your relationship. Are you allowing certain habits to poison your home? The Internet and television can be enjoyable additions to your life but they can also bring destruction to your relationship. Today, remove anything that is hindering your relationship, any addiction or influence that’s stealing your affections and turning you away from your spouse.”
He knew what he had to do. And he had enough time to do it before Kurt got home from work.
Kurt walked into a quiet house and sighed with relief. Work had been crazy and all he wanted was to take a long, hot shower. That would be easier with Puck not in the house.
He placed his shoes in the hall closet, hung up his jacket, then put his keys and bag on the kitchen counter. He headed down the hall to the bedroom but something stopped him. The office door was wide opened.
He peeked inside, expecting to see his husband enjoying his usual pleasures on the Internet. He was ready to lecture him about closing the door if he insisted on doing that in their house but the room was empty. The old computer Puck used to surf those sites to avoid getting a virus on his laptop was gone. In it’s place was a vase of a dozen red roses with a card safely nestled in them.
I love you more - Noah