Guilt Like a KnifeAuthor:
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt, brief Mercedes
Genre: Angst
Warning: None.
Spoilers: All of season one is fair game.
Disclaimer: Glee owns my muse, my muse owns me, I own a few things not worth mentioning. Read: not Glee.
Summary: No one--not even his best friend--knew.
Word Count: 2067
Author Notes: I wrote this for the Diva-Off, even though I'm more than a little intimidated by the competition. I've been sort of lacking in the inspiration department, what with the added stress of school starting back up just a couple days ago, but I finally got something--this--out! It's not much, and I didn't really bother double-checking it for errors and/or awkward transitioning, so I hope it's okay.
Also: I'm not sure if someone could go homeless for more than a week without notice, or if it's a realistic situation at all. I apologize for any exaggerations or unrealistic bits, and I hope you enjoy it.
ETA: Here're
some drabbles I wrote for the Fic Meme.
Please, have
some more!