The Art of Love and Cooking : Chapter Two : Inciser - part 2/2

Aug 08, 2010 12:45

Title : The Art of Love and Cooking
Author : sevenswells 
Betas: drgaellon and guilshad . Bless them.
Rating : R for language
Characters/Pairing : Puck/Kurt.
Warning/Spoilers : Food, food, and a lot of talk about food. It's Alternate Universe so no spoilers so to speak.
Disclaimers: No, I don't own them, and now I'm going to sit in a corner and cry
Summary: Thirty-something Puck has become a chef specialized in traditional French cuisine, and he's hired for a two-week job as a caterer for a gay wedding in Connecticut. The only problem is that one of his clients is a boy he used to bully in high school, and that boy hasn't forgiven anything. But, who knows? Two weeks might be enough to erase mistakes from the past... and, maybe, snatch the bride at the altar. ;)
Genre/Type: Romance, AU, Futurefic, Food Porn
Author's notes : Based on an awesome prompt chavelaprincess  posted in here. Dedicated to my betas
This is part 2, finally the engagement party. Enjoy!
Word count: 8 089 w. for this part.

(Chapter One : Échauder - part 1/2|part 2/2)::(Chapter Two : Inciser - part1/2|part 2/2)::(Chapter Three)::

Bonus entries: ( First amuse-bouche)::(Second amuse-bouche)::

author: sevenswells, r, multipart wip

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