The Rules of Sir Brunet (Or, The Cons of Badassery)Author: Lys (
lezi )
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt
Genre: Smut/Romance, Humor
Warning: Brief Sex, Language
Spoilers: I don't think there're any.
Disclaimer: Not yet.
Summary: Ewan's sexy dimpled chin is to Monroe's iconic birthmark is to Kurt Hummel's fierce hair. (Also, how Puck exploits Kurt's not-so-small hair obsession.)
Word Count: 1768
Author's Notes: Today I ran to the
Fic Meme, desperate for a break from the demands of my Teasing!fic, and found
this prompt. It was a ridiculously perfect match for one of my kink_bingo prompts, so I had to snatch it up. It was almost meant to be, a kink connection made in heaven. (If such things existed?)
This was written in one sitting, so I apologize if there are any oddities present. Just point them out to me, and I'll be more than happy to correct those mistakes!
As always, enjoy! (: