
Nov 13, 2009 23:36

Back with another fill for a kink meme prompt asking for grease-monkey kurt.

Title: Spark! Knock!
Pairing: Puck/Kurt
Rating: PG-13-ish
Warning: Bad language, adorableness
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox
Summary: Puck's mom's car needs repair. He goes to the best shop in town.

Noah Puckerman pulled into the garage and killed the engine to his mother's car before stepping out. The garage was mostly empty since it was later in the day, but his mother was specific about this place for her car. Leaning against the door, he watched as a man, maybe forty, wearing jeans and a repairman's shirt walked out from a back room.

“Can I help you?”

“Uh, yeah. My mom's car keeps making this funny noise, she was hoping you could take a look at it.”

“Sure, no problem, I was just about to go on an equipment run, would you mind if my son took a look?”

“Sure, whatever.”

The man nodded and disappeared into the back room again before re-emerging and pulling on a coat. He was talking to someone as he walked out. “What do you want me to grab you on the way back?”

“Anything is fine, maybe something with chicken.”

Wait. Puck knew that voice!



Puck found himself staring at Kurt, who was dressed, shockingly enough, in a set of dark blue coveralls, he even had his name embroidered into the chest, and a pair of... were those steel toed shoes? Oh this was just too weird.

“You two know each other?”

“Yeah, from football and glee.”

Kurt's dad rose a brow and looked between them before climbing into his SUV and driving off. Kurt looked to Puck.

“So, what's wrong with the car?”

“Nothing, nevermind.”

Kurt rolled his eyes and pressed a button on the stereo that caused the music that was playing to stop and switched to Lady Gaga. Oh, this was a nightmare.

“Just tell me what's wrong with it.”

“Fine. It keeps making a pinging sound.”

Kurt rose a brow and walked over to the car, opening the hood and then set a light to look inside. “When?”

“Usually when you speed up or if you're going up a hill.”


“'Hm'? What does that mean?”

“It means 'hm'.”

Puck gritted his teeth and watched as Kurt moved around, setting things up. After walking over to a panel and pushing a button, the car rose up about two feet.

“Never figured you for a Volkswagon, Puckerman.”

“It's my mom's.”

Kurt only smirked as he laid flat on his a creeper, which Puck disturbingly noted was a very girly shade of blue and pushed himself under the car.

“Do you have any idea what it is?”

“I think you have knock spark.”

“What the hell is that?”

“I'm trying to figure out which kind you have first.” Kurt's voice was muffled slightly as he spoke. “What kind of gas do you use?”

“Premium, I think...”

“Mm.” Kurt rolled out from under the hood and stood slowly. “Then it's your EGR valve.”

“Wow, Hummel, I'm impressed.”

Kurt only rolled his eyes and wiped at a spot on his cheek, Puck could only smirk when the smudge just got larger.

“Did you think I didn't know cars?”

“Hummel, you're you.”

“Point taken.”

Grabbing a fancy looking step-stool Kurt opened it and after grabbing a tool kit stood over the engine and started taking out pieces.

“What are you doing?”

“Shut up, I'm trying to concentrate.”

Puck only sighed loudly in aggravation and watched in fear as Kurt took parts out of his mom's car. Hummel was kinda cute doing this... Wait, what? No he wasn't! Because he was Hummel! Gay, soprano Glee freak who was most definitely not cute.

Except when bent over a car engine, quietly singing to Lady Gaga with oil and grease smudging his face and fingers.


Puck's eyes darted around the inside of the garage and he spotted a newspaper. Grabbing it, he opened it and stared at the ink pages intently. Still... every so often his eyes would creep over the top of the paper to study Hummel, who was nonchalantly wiggling his hips as he sang and tinkered. Stupid cute girly gay grease-monkey fuck.


Puck tossed the paper aside and walked over to where Kurt was hunched over the light, poking his finger at the piece he was holding.

“That's it?”

“Yeah. And it's cracked, see?” Kurt held out the piece, which was covered in engine stuff and pointed to a crack.

“Oh yeah. So... now what?”

“Now I go see if my dad has a replacement piece.”

Kurt descended the step ladder and rubbed his nose. Puck laughed.


“You're all covered in black.”

“I am not!”

“Yes you are.”

Kurt fished around in the pocket of his coveralls and pulled out a compact - of course - and flipped it open. He frowned deeply when he saw the state of his face before flipping it shut and smirking. Suddenly, and very quickly, his hands pressed to Puck's cheeks, leaving identical black handprints on his face. Laughing, he walked off. Puck watched him leave and sighed. He was going to kill Kurt Hummel.

Or fuck him.

Puck sat there, chewing his lower lip and watched the door Kurt had vanished into.

“I couldn't find a replacement piece but I'm sure we can order you --- umffff.”

When they drew back from the kiss, Puck saw patches of red under the smudges of black, and he couldn't help but grin. That vanished, however, when Kurt kicked him hard in the shin.


“You jerk, what the hell! That was my first kiss and you stole it and --”

Kurt pulled back slowly, grinning a little, even if his face was painted with embarrassment. “Why do you keep kissing me?”

“Because, underneath that bullshit facade of perfection, when you get down and dirty, you're really hot.”



Pulling away with a rush, Kurt smiled when his dad strode in. “Hi.”

“Hi. What happened?”

“I... Oh, the face. I got itchy, then Puck laughed at me, so I smudged his face.”

Burt Hummel stared at his son oddly for a minute before nodding. “Did you figure out what was wrong?”

“Cracked EGR valve, we don't have a replacement.”

“I'll make sure to order one, go clean up and change and we'll give him a drive home.”

Kurt just nodded and disappeared into the back. Puck watched him go before looking to Kurt's father, feeling nervous.

“He do that a lot? Get really into it?”

“Never.” Kurt's father pressed two buttons on the stereo and silence fell over the garage. “He freaks out if even a bit of grease gets on him normally. I don't know why he suddenly stopped caring.”

Puck just grinned.

pg-13, oneshot, author: setos_puppy

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