Tiny Secrets 6/?

Jun 02, 2010 17:16

Puck knew he was hyperventilating - it had never actually happened to him before, but


He couldn’t breathe.

And running wasn’t really helping him.

But Puck kept at it.

(He’d rather die from this than stay another minute in the same room as the man that had abandoned him.)

Puck felt himself start to laugh uncontrollably.

Kurt looked at him curiously, finally leading him to his vehicle.

“Noah, are you alright?”

Puck looked at Kurt and shook his head.

“I’m sorry about all of this.” Puck said with a sigh.

“Well, at least you’re keeping my mind off today.” He said with a small smile. “So… that your Dad?”

“Nope.” Puck said with resolve. “That’s just my sperm donor. “

Kurt snuck  a small look at Puck and the other boy continued to speak.

“My Dad stopped being my Dad when he left us to become a woman, and-“


“And he decided that Mom couldn’t handle it and so the only solution he had was to have an affair with another woman and lie till he had the balls to tell all of us.”

Kurt reached out his hand, and laid it gently on top of Puck’s. Almost scared that he would pull away from him; wishing he could do something to help. He  looked into Puck’s eyes. “Want to skip the rest of the day and just go do something? We could go to mall like you suggested if you want.”

Puck glanced at Kurt , a small smile growing on his face.

(God this boy really was to die for wasn’t he?)

“Isn’t this a little backwards? I’m supposed to be cheering you up,” Puck shook his head once. “Not the other way around.”

“Well it is my birthday and I want to cheer you up.” Kurt’s voice suddenly went serious, “We all have our bad days Noah. Ours just seemed to occurr at the same time.” Puck chuckled. “Besides,” Kurt continued, “Puck is supposed to be mischievous, and all those other things. And you sweetie are not any of those right now!”

Puck’s chuckle turned into a full blown grin at the last line. “I guess that means we should fix that then, shouldn’t we?”

Kurt Hummel leaned in just a little bit closer to Puck, and added seductively . “Uh hmm, yes we should. Because who could live without little mischievous Puck.” Kurt looked downward pointedly .

Puck’s grin turned into a smirk. “I’m guessing you.”


An hour later when the two boys arrived at the mall, Kurt dragged Puck by his hand to the nearest bench and plopped down.

“What you need is something to take your mind off of everything, and nothing is better than retail therapy and makeovers.”

Kurt giggled at Puck horrified expression, and then with an evil grin said. “Hey, you’re the one who said we could do anything I wanted.”

Puck seemed to resign himself to what was coming with a huge sigh, and stood up.

“Okay, where do we start?” Puck offered his hand to Kurt, so he could get up.


Puck looked surprised for a second. “A music store? I thought-“

“You thought we were giving you a makeover. And we are... in music. The time has come to talk of many things.”

Kurt stood up with the help of Puck and reached for his hand again, pulling him along to get to the store.

“I didn’t peg you for a Lewis Carroll type. Of ships and shoes and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings, And why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings.”

Kurt stopped and his gaze seemed to bore right into Puck.  “And neither did I, and how do you know what we’re reading in English right now... If you don’t even show up to class?”

“I’m not failing any of my classes.” Puck looked self conscious for a moment then he appeared to get over it. “I don’t have to go any of my classes actually - only for tests and stuff. I umm, I know practically everything they’re teaching anyway. And I don’t know what you’re reading in English right now. That’s just my favorite book.”

Kurt thought for a second. “So you’re either incredibly smart, and you just don’t want anyone to know it or you have some sort of magic powers. But just for sanity’s sake I’m going to run with the first one.”


“But why do you, why are you-“

“A bully, mean as shit, why do I make myself sound like a dumbass?”

“Because I used to be treated like you, before I moved here with my,” Puck grimaced. “ Parents,  I was the weird, smart, kid; I was the one tossed in dumpsters. So I made sure that things changed when we moved.”

“I guess I’m just a little bit surprised. Does anyone else know?”

“Just the teaching staff and you.” Puck tried to change the subject.  “Umm, but seriously I thought you were more of an Anne of Green Gables kid.”

Kurt’s eyes dropped with what Puck thought was anguish. “Hmmph. You and everyone else. The assumptions based on my sexual orientation are horrendously abundant.  My favorite books are actually written by Garth Nix, they’re called the Abhorsen series. And they are effectively about raising the dead.”

“Sweet.“ Puck inclined his head in appreciation. “Didn’t think you’d be into those either.”

“Most people don’t even bother to ask, I’m not so different than other guys.”

“Sure I enjoy shopping, and I have fabulous taste in clothes I have better skin than anyone else in the school and I am quite capable of singing and dancing my ass off but I like cars, and I can fix them. I just don’t like getting dirty.” Kurt said with a smile.“Not to mention the huge collection of anime I have hidden from everyone.” Puck mouth was hanging open by then. Kurt just lifted a finger under his chin and popped his mouth closed. “Didn’t think I was that cool did you? I may not be a secret gamer or enjoy sports but, I am probably the biggest anime nerd you will ever meet.”

Puck tilted his head a little to the side, “I think this flirting thing just might work Hummel, because right now you are pretty much perfect.” His look turned thoughtful. “ Though the secret gamer part might have to change, but who better to be your boyfriend than a dude who can actually fix cars and watches Bleach with you?”

Kurt eyes seemed to roll out of his head. “Boyfriend?”

series: tiny secrets, author: ireland22, r, multipart wip

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