Hold Your Head High

May 26, 2010 11:22

Title: Hold Your Head High
Author: maeby_sparrow
Rating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt
Warning: Language, locker room sex, putting douchebags in their place
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, just playing with 'em
Author Notes: OOC Kurt? Maybe, but I prefer to think that getting some action just sent his confidence level into the stratosphere.
Summary: From glee_kink_meme here: puck and kurt are together but since puck is still a badass he proves to the the other football players that Kurt is hotter than any girl. thus resulting to Puck and kurt making out in the shower or better yet having sex.. bonus points if puck is still possessive to kurt..
Word Count: 729

They knew (even if they never admitted it) that it was only a matter of time before everyone found out. They were just too hot for each other to be careful all the time, so one day about a month after they started hooking up, Kurt and Puck were busted in the locker room after practice. Puck had Kurt pinned against the lockers, Kurt's long, strong legs gripping his waist as Puck pounded into him. Kurt's cries echoed in time with his head banging rhythmically against the locker door, “GOD, Puck, YES, don't stop, HARDER, yes, FUCK!” Three football players froze in the doorway; one broke their silence.

“Fuckin' hell! Puckerman? What the fuck?” No one ever accused Karofsky of eloquence, but he got the point across.

Kurt locked eyes with Karofsky as he came with a loud, high moan. “Problem, Karofsky?” he gasped.

Karofsky made a gagging sound and shot back, “Yeah, my problem is you, fag. What the fuck did you do to our running back? Last time I checked he was a man whore, not a dirty fudgepacker.”

Puck's face was as red as the players' jerseys. He looked like he wanted to crawl into the locker. Kurt, on the other hand, looked fierce and proud and unashamed. He'd spent years keeping his sexuality under wraps to avoid making everyone else uncomfortable, but now that it was out in the open, his attitude appeared to be, “if you've got it, flaunt it.”

Still breathing hard, Kurt shrugged one shoulder and said, “Never underestimate the power of a blowjob done right, boys.” He unwrapped his legs from Puck's waist and gracefully stood in front of the shellshocked boy. “You boys all make gay sex sound like such a dirty thing to be ashamed of, and I'm fucking sick of it. You'd all be pounding Noah on the back and showering him with praise if you walked in on him making Santana scream. Instead, right now you all look like you want to puke. Have you ever stopped to ask yourselves why that is? What is so threatening about little Kurt Hummel that you feel you have to beat, humiliate, and insult me every chance you get? Personally, I like to think that you're all afraid that once you got a taste of me you just might like it a bit too much. I mean, it worked for Noah-right, babe?”

Puck, finally regaining his composure, just gaped in awe of the boy. Clad in only Puck's football jersey, Kurt was radiating a confidence and (dare he say it) manliness unlike anything Puck had seen from him before. He raised his head in pride and nodded. “Fuckin' right. Hummel here puts out more than all the other Cheerios combined, plus I never have to deal with PMS, he's always horny for more, and he swears like a sailor when he comes, as I'm sure you all noticed. Seriously, if anyone wants to point out a downside to all this, feel free to speak up. Oh yeah, in case you're wondering, it is just sex, which is what every teenage boy on the planet dreams of. No talking about feelings, no worrying about knocking him up, no drama about going to the prom. Just straight up porn star fuck fest whenever I want. You guys seriously don't know what you're missing.”

Kurt beamed and brushed his hand over Puck's chest. “Noah, you're too kind. And I think you'll find that with me, flattery will get you everywhere.” He giggled as he felt Puck's breath catch in his chest before continuing, “So, unless anyone else is interested, I'd ask that you kindly show yourselves out. We're not quite finished here and there are a few things I'd like to try out in the shower before the cleaning crew comes through.”

The disgusted grunts of the departing football players were drowned out by Kurt's squeals as Puck threw him over his shoulder and carried him to the showers. “Fuck, Hummel, you're fuckin' lucky no one took you up on your offer. I would have had to bust a few heads, cuz there's no way I'm sharing this ass with anyone.”

Kurt scoffed, “Silly Noah, you don't own me. But I promise if you keep me happy, you'll always have first dibs.”


author: maeby_sparrow, oneshot, r

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