Ficlet: After the Party

May 18, 2010 21:22

Title: After the party?
Author: Kaellite
Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Mark, Chris or Jonathan and all would be appalled by this. No profit is being made or sought by this endeavor of imagination, strictly for fun, please don’t sue.
Warnings: One use of a curse word in the narrative, other than that, just implied future D/s
Word Count: 587
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Comment fic written for a photo prompt (can’t find link but it was a pic of glee cast at dinner event, and the requester wanted Chris sitting next to Mark instead of Amber) has an idea or two for Chris after the party...

Spoilers:  None.

Mark really hated these rat fucks. Even moreso since Ryan had, nicely, asked if just this once he wouldn’t wear an actual suit. It was damn uncomfortable, stiff suit, stale food, stale air and liquor too.

“Cheer up. It’ll be over soon and you can go to some dark club and play guitar and whatever.”

He felt a grudging smile prick his lips at Chris’ words, his costar could usually lighten his mood and this time was no different. Even if he had a difficult time breathing when he was the sole focus of attention of those eyes. “Why are you in that getup anyway, you’ve gotten away with jeans before?” Then in a whisper, “you look nice in them.”

“The powers that be, said. How do you always look so comfortable in suit?  I know that you’d rather be in jeans and a t-shirt.” Chris was nothing like his alter-ego, except for the talent, thank God.

“Sure I am, but I break enough rules without flaunting protocol”

“When do you break rules?” Chris was the resident good boy, privately Mark thought of him as the cast’s angel; he never put a foot wrong.

“Being gay Mark.” As if that should be obvious.

“Some rules are stupid.”

“Agreed, but you learn to pick your battles. I’ll wear the suits and make Miss Manners proud and then when the time comes, I can bring my boyfriend to this sort of thing with me.”

Boyfriend? Yeah, Chris deserved one, to be happy, but he was damned if he could think of anyone who was good enough for the kid. “Jonathan?”

“I was talking hypothetically. Jonathan isn’t..”

“He’s interested, at least Lea said so.”

“Not my type.”

“What is?” Just so he could keep an eye out, and vet the applicants.

Chris grinned. “There’s a reason I’ve watched Live Free or Die Hard a gajillion times.”

“You like older men, that’s kinda creepy, you know?”

“Older take charge guys, and why is it creepy? I mean if it was someone ancient like Eastwood, it’d be one thing, but 10 or 12 years older, what’s the big deal?  It seems like it’d be perfect to me. He’d be young enough to remember what it’s like to be my age and old enough to teach me, and watch out for me.”

“You need watching out for?”

Chris laughed, ignoring the looks of his cast who were wondering what the joke is. “Like you don’t all watch out for me already? Seriously. And yeah, I know I’m naïve in some ways, and I’m not going to want to do something stupid to ruin all of this. Someone older could help me avoid some of the traps.” Taking a sip of his drink, Mark was almost certain he also heard “And make me feel safe.”

“He might want to take charge though and you …”

“And you automatically assume I wouldn’t like that?” Chris just smiled softly. “Someday,” he trailed off and moved his arms as their plates were brought to them.

Trust his instincts and leap; Wasn’t that how the line went? God knew he’d listened to Chris’ rendition of the song often enough. Well, his own instincts and body were telling him to do just one thing. “Don’t eat too much of that.” Marks’ voice came out surprisingly firm to his own ears


“I’m taking you to a burger joint I know after this, best in town. You’ll want your appetite.”

“Okay.” Sipping his water, he added tentatively, “Yes…sir.”

“Good boy.”

pg-13, author: kaellite, mark/chris, oneshot

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