Ficlet: Staking His Claim.

May 16, 2010 21:02

Title: Staking his claim
Author: Kaellite
Disclaimer: Not mine, if they were Puck would have claimed Kurt a long time ago
Warnings: Language,
Word Count: 549
Rating: R
Summary: Written from this prompt at the glee slash bday meme “Puck gives Kurt his letterman jacket”

Spoilers:  None really

This sneaking around thing was kinda cool, and Dudes, I’m the best at it. I can time it so I get my cock in wet vag or hot ass, make sure they get theirs in spades, and I get mine and be gone before their Daddies come home. Don’t laugh. Quickies can be awesome, like when I fucked Kurt over the locker room bench while the rest of you were still in the showers. No you didn’t hear him, that’s what my jockstrap is for. Yeah, there’s a reason I keep it in my bag, even though I go commando.

Really cool to know you’ve got it all over their Daddies, boyfriends, whatever. That’s half the fun of the Cougars, hell it’s all the fun. Mostly.

Funny thing is, after banging Kurt all summer.. What? Yeah Dude’s since Regionals. Told me I had a great voice, should do something with it. Knocked my socks off, here I thought he hated me for the crap I pulled and..

Yeah, I know but that’s how high school works, eat or be eaten. Speaking of eating, you should see his lips wrapped around my… Okay, okay, not like you’ll ever get a taste of him anyway, not if you want to live.

So, anyway, yeah I pulled a lot of crap, cause why not be on top while you can. No Chang, I wasn’t going there. Okay, so I was, sue me. Thing is, I was always gonna be stuck in Lima and Kurt was going to get out. In ten years or so he’d be on Broadway or in the movies or on TV and I’d still be playing Super Mario Brothers, so why not rule why I can?

Nah, you really think Berry’s going to make it out of here? Shit, she’s Schues’ replacement in training. Kurt will, and I’m going with him. He says I can be great, yeah, he did. Just have to find my own voice, my own style. So that’s how it started. Not with fucking him, with him making nice and not ignoring me for once. Okay, it started with more than just fucking him, he kisses pretty fucking good too.

What were we talking about? Oh yeah, thanks. Sneaking around; yeah that was fun, but some people you don’t want to have to hide from, some Daddies’ you want to know about you; like Burt Hummel. Been seeing Kurt since summer, and… Stop interrupting Matt. Shit. Yeah been seeing him, like pizza and movies and sure the other stuff too, cause my Baby, who can resist? You damn well better, if you know what’s good for you.  He’s mine.

Yeah, mine. You heard right. What? Who gives a shit? Cause you know what, I’m a badass, and me, Brando, Dean, we don’t give a fuck what people think, we go our own way, do our own thing, stake our claim. No, I’m not going to fuck him in the parking lot, and have to fight off you pervs? Get your minds out of the gutter. There’s more than one way to stake a claim you know, just follow me and watch.

Hey Baby! Hi Mr.  Hummel.  You look cold Baby, here, take this. Looks good on …

See? Told you my Baby could kiss.

author: kaellite, oneshot, r

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