Ficlet: Mark/Chris....My Man Is NOT A Douche

May 08, 2010 22:15

Title: My man is not a douche

Author: Kaellite

Disclaimer: This is just a work of an overactive imagination. I have no affiliation with Mark or Chris who would most likely be appalled if they saw this

Warnings; Fluffiness, bashing fans who bash Mark

Word Count: 748

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Mark has read some fans comments about how he comes off in interviews and Chris takes issue with

A/N: I was supposed to be writing the smut portion of “Share and Share Alike’ but meds sapped me of my energy, then I read some Glee fan’s discussion and their opinions of Mark and this fic happened. Please forgive every thing, this is my first, not very good, attempt at RPF.

“You’re amazing, you know that?”

“if you think that line’s going to get me to roll over for you, considering how sore I am from this morning…” Chris grinned, “you might be right.” Then he got a good look at his boyfriend’s face. Crap! What had happened, between the time he’d dozed off, and now?  “You want to tell me about it, and don’t say ‘nothing’, I know better. You take care of me, the least you could do is let me return the favor.”

“The interviews and stuff; I don’t get how you do it, putting up with lame questions, reporters who don’t do their research before they ask the same thing that shitloads of them have asked before; fans who think I'm an asshole for being saracstic..” Mark could never quite get his head around how Chris took it all in stride; he was so much younger, yet he dealt with it all the best of any of them.   And they had, with the exception of Lea, been thrown into the spotlight for the first time, at the same time.

“Part of it’s because it’s nice to be liked.” Which only worsens Mark's mood. Every time Chris says something like that it makes him want to dig out Chris’ yearbooks, drive to Clovis and beat the living shit out of everyone he went to High School with. “Plus they’re trying to make a living too, and I doubt their papers or stations are repeating other interviews we’ve done, so even if they know it’s lame, they have to ask because their audience doesn’t know.” Chris snuggles against his boyfriend, and finds that spot, right below Mark’s hairline, at the nape of the neck, and rubs gently. “Why does it bother you so much about what they think anyway?” He’d never gotten that, Mark was everything he could never be; confident, cocky, gifted, athletic. Shouldn’t that be enough?  Just because not everyone got his sense of humor, didn't make him a bad person.

“I don’t mostly, but they’re going to murder me when you finally let us go public as a couple, maybe it’d be nice to not have them or some fans thinking I’m a douche ahead of time.”

Sliding a leg under him and tugging, and it kind of hurt because Mark really had been energetic that morning, he twisted them till the bigger man was on top of him, facing him. “Look at me? Have you even hit a fan, or yelled at one, gave one the finger, or made one cry?”

“No, of course not?”

“Then I’ve think you’ve got it backwards; My man is not a douche. The ones who are the douches are the ones who judge you, condemn you for just a few sentences, without thinking about what it must like to be in your shoes.” Let them be thrown to the hungry hoards and see how they handled it. Most likely it wouldn’t be near as well as they expected Mark and the rest of the cast to. “Now turn around.”

“Turn around? You just got me in my favorite place.” Grumbling, he did as told though; he considered himself a strong-willed person, but when it came to Chris? He was whipped, he knew it, and wouldn’t change a thing, except.. “So when are you going to let everyone know I’m your man?” Might as well let the world hate him for everything all at once; being a douche, a pedophile, rising above his station for claiming Chris.

“When you’re family or at least some of them have adjusted.” Chris didn’t think Marks’ father ever would completely, but he could try not to rub their noses in it for a while. “I know you say you don’t care, but that’s a lie.” He did, just more about Chris and what they were building together, than living the life they would have chosen for him. They both knew it was true. “Now shut up and let me work on you.” Slowly, Chris worked his fingers into the knots in Mark’s neck and shoulders until his man was relaxed and humming. “Billy Joel: “The Longest Time.”

“Very good.”

“Thank you, now how about dinner? I want you to have plenty of energy later. I even got a steak to go with the grilled veggies.”

“Only if you eat part of it.” Mark would never say it because it might hurt Chris, plus he wouldn't believe it, but given their grueling work schedule the boy had lost too much weight. It was his goal to get a few pounds back onto that frame over the summer.

“Deal, but you have to help me burn it off after"

pg-13, author: kaellite, mark/chris, oneshot

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