FIC: Love Comes From The Most Unexpected Places....Part 1

Apr 25, 2010 11:38

Title: Love comes from the most unexpected places
Author: Kaellite
Disclaimer: Not mine, if they were Puck would have claimed Kurt a long time ago
Warnings: Language, eventual boy smexing, eventual reference to femme-slash

Word Count: 1419

Characters: In this one…Kurt, Quinn, passing references to Burt, Puck, Rachel, Jesse, and Korowaski
Rating: PG in this one, eventually NC-17
Summary: Kurt and Quinn are making it in Hollywood but something calls him home.
Spoilers:  Through “The Power of Madonna” ep
A/N: This is a future fic, and the title is taken from an old Kim Carnes song.

“Wow! It really does say my name.” Kurt looked at the envelope once more, than at the gold-plated statuette; for the first time in his life at a complete loss as what to say, but not for long. “Gee, I’ve watched these on Television but I never noticed until now that he has no genitalia, so instead he carries a sword. Talk about over-compensating.”

Leave it to her best friend and client to steal the show and provide the moment everyone was talking about the next day. Dropping the bag of breakfast tacos on the counter, she looked around the small condo, and didn’t see it anywhere. “So, what did you do with it? And, when are you going to move? You can afford a bigger place, you’ve been able to do that for some time, and no, I’m not talking about your father’s money.”

“That award acknowledges past work, and Hollywood politics, it does not mean the next one will be any good.  It’s on the top shelf of my closet. “Tugging his t-shirt over his damp hair, he looked all of 12 years old, she thought, compared to his usual 14. “In regard to domiciles, I see no need to spend money on more square footage than I could possibly use.”

“Not on designer clothes, either.” He had changed so much in the past few years, and he still continued to surprise her, not as much as that first time they had re-met, though.

“Quinn, Quinn Fabray.” She turned from where she was pouring multiple cups of coffee, and carrying a deli bag with her teeth, only to see a face from her past. His appearance there startled her, but not as a much as the rush of feeling that he was the only one from Lima she wouldn’t mind seeing.

“Kurt? You work here too.” She was grateful, when he deftly grabbed the bag as it nearly dropped.

“No, I just wanted to see you and possibly talk business.” Well, he’d always been straightforward.

“I’m not an agent, so I’m sorry, I can’t give anyone your headshots.” Quinn headed that one off at the past, feeling mildly disappointed that was all he wanted to see her for.

“No, I don’t need you do that, I’m not an actor, I’m a screen writer, and I have at least 3 agencies vying to represent me and my screenplay at auction.” He quickly ticked off the list, and unlike some of her former classmates and current colleagues, Quinn had no doubt it was true.

“So what do you need me for?” None of this made sense. They hadn’t been exactly the best of friends in high school, even if they hadn’t been enemies either. Though she’d been sure that he was the reason his father fixed up the clunker for her at a price she could afford, which was almost nothing.

“I want you to represent me. Or barring that, I want you and a full agent to represent me, and in time you can take over.” His tone and eyes told her he was completely serious.

“Why?” She was and could be much more articulate than this, despite what some people thought, but he was throwing her off balance.

“Because you were the only one besides myself and Mercedes who had the back bone to get out of that town and never look back; to live your life on your terms, not theirs; because you took on Sylvester more than once and won. If you can do that you can handle this town.”

Kurt Hummel had a way of stirring things up and he’d done the same for her life. Within a week, the deal was done and she was a junior agent, much to the jealousy of the rest of the mail room and clerical staff. Nor were there any rumors that she’d slept her way up the ladder, given who the client was. Quinn had been grateful, and gratitude quickly grew to friendship.   He had become her safe place in LA, and she his. Unlike the rest of her clients, she could talk to him, no bullshit allowed on either side, and they made each other laugh.   They also understood the Lima Lemon days; the days when your past crowded your brain so all you could see or feel was that life sucked. Hers seemed to happen on the date of her daughter’s birth, and that was when he came over, cooked for her; didn’t say a word and let her watch whatever crappy movie she wanted, even the ones he wouldn’t normally countenance.

Kurt’s came after his yearly Thanksgiving or Christmas visit; normally a week after. There wasn’t much she could do except walk with him on the beach from sunrise to sunset, until he finally came back to himself and pointed out the guys that were checking her out; though in reality, more than a few were looking at him. Each time as they headed for dinner at Mustard’s in the valley, it crossed her mind, how amazed the Lima Losers would be that they were best friends.

It would surprise them as well just to see him, she thought. Gone was the flamboyant boy, with the outrageous clothes. Instead, he dressed quietly, casually; you’d have to really know fashion to ever recognize that what he was wearing was the best of its class. Quinn had watched her friend over the past 4 years, and he had calmed down. She knew it was because he had no need to make a statement anymore; what he had accomplished said more than enough.

“The next one sold for 2.5 million and is the block-buster of the spring.” She wasn’t going to let him forget that.

“You know what I mean. Did you bring OJ?” He was starving, but then he hadn’t had much chance to eat at the various parties. It seemed everyone wanted a piece of the youngest person to win the award for best screenplay.

“Would I forget that?” She handed him the bottle then took out her own cup of coffee, ignoring his grimace and the lecture she knew was forthcoming about caffeine aging you. “You need to be in the office tomorrow, by the way, to sign the deal on ‘Mermaid’. I’m still negotiating with Paramount and Fox for your first look deal. And,” she reached into her Hermes bag with a flourish, “You need to see this.”

Kurt took the print out and rolled his eyes. He’d made the front page. Lima boy wins… Yeah, now they claimed him. He wondered if they noticed he hadn’t mentioned the town or anyone other than his father there in his acceptance speech. “You go to the site often?” She’d never told him that.

“Now and then, to see if there’s any news.” This time there had been and she wished she hadn’t seen it; there was nothing she could do, if she called they would just hang up on her. “I did see where your Dad is opening a garage in Dayton.”

“Yeah, I helped with that.” He couldn’t resist adding. “I’m his silent partner and Korowaski works for him, so now me as well.” Kurt hadn’t been kidding when he’d said “Someday you will all work for me.” With his investments growing, even in the current economy, it was already happening.

“Well, then, if that headline didn’t put a smile on your face, this will. Guess what off-Broadway actor’s Hollywood dream was scuttled by a whisper that he was too demanding for his minor and unproven talent?” Quinn was sure he’d get it in two.

“Hmm, he means it’s not Rachel sooo….Jesse Saint James?”

“In one.”

“Have I told you lately I love you and want to marry you?”

“Yes, when I found the Stickley rocker for you at an estate sale.”

“Consider yourself proposed to again.”

“Thank you but I don’t think Brandy would appreciate that.”

“Brandy? What happened to Robin?”

“Too weak.”

Which was Quinn code for 'she didn't like to be spanked.'

“I’m meeting her for breakfast.”

“Another breakfast?”

“No the tacos were for you, but you could join us.”

“No thanks, I’ll leave you to it. See you at Geffenn’s tomorrow?”

“Wouldn’t miss it.”

With a lingering hug, because Kurt gave the best hugs, she was out the door, and he turned on his computer and brought up the site for the Lima paper, for the first time ever. Scrolling down, he stopped and blinked, then read it again.

Officer arrest high school students for gay-bashing. Officer Noah Puckerman arrested McKinley High seniors…


author: kaellite, pg, multipart wip

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