Changing Baby aka Some things are easier in Health Class

Mar 12, 2010 15:37

Title: Changing Baby aka Some things are easier in Health Class
Author: the_marlinator 
Rating: G
Pairing: Kurt/Puck (can be seen as slash or friendship)
Length: ~715 words
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Spoilers: Up to Sectionals to be safe
Summary:  Puck realises that health class was unequipped to successfully teach him how to change a diaper.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or the characters. If I did I'd be singing and dancing with them.
Notes: This little idea came into my head while I was babysitting today. I was changing the baby’s diaper and she wouldn’t sit still, she was squirming all over the place! Whilst I was grappling with the baby Puck’s voice just popped into my head saying, “This wasn’t this difficult in health class!” and voila a story is born. I hope you enjoy it!!

g, author: the_marlinator, oneshot

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