(no subject)

Feb 05, 2010 00:13

MODPOST 2.0 [version 1.0 can be found HERE if you haven't seen it yet]

You guys seem to be all for a header competition, so, HEADER COMPETITION!
Anyone who is interested in submitting one, please do so in this post, as all comments are screened. The only requirements is that both Puck AND Kurt are pictured, and "puckurt" is on there somewhere, and it must be 700 px wide. Height can be variable. You have until February 12th, 3PM (EST), at which point I'll make a post with a poll. Feel free to submit UP TO 3.

Also, I was given a really good suggestion about spam posts- designated posters who will post them at various times each week. If you are interested in being a designated poster for these, comment in the thread below specified for that, and I'll set up some sort of rotating posting schedule. What I'm imagining is (depending on how many volunteers I get) I'll assign a person to each week, and it'll be up to that person to decide when to post it. This way, they won't always be at the same time/day, which will hopefully make them more active. Let's see how it goes, yeah?


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