YAY! Another posting.

Feb 03, 2010 21:25

Crashing at school for net use.

Here's a birthday fic for kyuubi_paw. Hope you enjoy.

Title: My Angel Put the Devil in Me
Pairing/Characters: Lucifer, Artie, Kurt (Gabriel)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Fluffernutter, no really
Summary: Artie hears giggling and is concerned
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox, just playing.
Notes: Written for kyuubi_paw, part of my Hellverse series; Devil Went Down to Georgia L.A. and To Err is Human, title comes from THIS SONG, which was also pretty influential to the idea.

Artie paused outside of Lucifer’s office, it was a rare occasion that he would go inside and interrupt Lucifer’s work, but it was a Friday, so all the fun people in Hell went topside to corrupt more people before the Sabbaths started. He was frozen; fist raised and inches from the immaculate polished mahogany door, and listened. He heard giggling. Giggling! In Hell! In Lucifer’s office no less.

So, Artie barged right on in.

He stopped short when he crossed the threshold, staring unabashedly. Lucifer and Kurt were moving about in the cleared space of the office, dancing. And not spastic, I’m having a seizure on the dance floor kind of dancing, but really dancing. Well… A little outdated, but still.

They were swing dancing, in fact, Artie was pretty sure, with his limited knowledge, that they were doing the jitterbug.

Kurt looked over as he was swung around Lucifer and giggled. “Hi, Arthur!”

Lucifer turned off the music and he dropped into a chair with Kurt moving into his lap, both of them panting unnecessarily.

“Why are you… dancing?”

“It’s Friday night,” Lucifer explained, muttering around his cigarette. “We wanted to party.”

Artie raised a brow. He had been with Lucifer going on fifteen years and he had seen a lot of things, like… dragons, and Jake becoming a demon - that was a shock, and ifrits mating (never, ever again), but he had never seen Lucifer, or Gabriel for that matter, dance.

“Do you do this often?” Artie couldn’t help but ask as he sat on the arm of the occupied chair, getting an arm around his waist care of Lucifer and a head in his lap care of Kurt.

“No,” Kurt replied, tracing a design on Artie’s pant leg. “First time.”

“Then how did…?”

“We started talking about our favourite time periods and I mentioned how much I loved 1940, because it was such a good year…”

“Figures you’d pick a time during World War Two.”

“Why does everyone rag on me about that? It wasn’t my fault! I never even met Hitler! No one did, we were as shocked as you were, and you know that humans can be far more barbaric and cunning than we could -”

“I know,” Artie said passively. “I’m sorry.”

“I’ll have you know 1940 was the year the first McDonald’s opened. Now that, that was my idea.”

“And John Lennon was born in 1940,” Kurt pointed out, smiling a little, drawing little stars on Artie’s pant legs.

“So, you were talking and…?” Artie prompted, knowing that if they went off track, they would never get back on.

“Ah, yes.” Lucifer flicked his cigarette into an ashtray. “I commented about the music, saying how much I loved that era, I love Billie Holiday, she was just…” He paused to take a drag off his cigarette. “Just brilliant.”

“And then I told him I used to watch the dancing, because it looked so fun and carefree, and so Lucifer offered to show me.”

Artie nodded a little, it sort of figured Lucifer knew how to dance, as dances were where a lot of sinful things occurred.

“So you decided to throw your own…” Artie dug through his brain for a term. “Sock hop?”

Lucifer smiled, scratching between Artie’s horns, making the Anti-Christ purr, just a little. “Good boy.”

“I am not a dog I’m -- oh.” Artie trailed off and sunk lower on the arm of the chair as Kurt gave him sinfully good attention.

“You’re right Arthur, you’re a giant kitty,” Lucifer observed.

“Shut up, snake boy.”

“I thought you liked it when I talked like thisss.”

Artie let out a soft moan when a hand snuck under the hem of his shirt and Lucifer nipped at his ear.

“How about I show you a different kind of dance?”

pg-13, oneshot, author: setos_puppy

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