Fic: The World is Gonna Bend (2/5)

Jan 17, 2010 14:02

Title: The World is Gonna Bend (2/5)
Author: abluegirl
Pairing: Kurt / Puck
Rating: NC-17 Overall
Beta: The awesome oh_you_dork. Thank you!
Disclaimer:They don't belong to me. I just take them out, play with them for a bit, then put them back in their box, none the worse for wear.
Spoilers: All of season 1.5
Summary: Rachel has stumbled upon Kurt's secret blog and she lets slip some of the secrets that lie within.
Previously: Part 1
Word Count: 3016's almost as if he approaches football from a spiritual perspective. This is doing nothing to quell my crush on him, I'm telling you.

Edit: I fixed the HTML - apparently some of my HTML caused the "Leave A Comment" link to disappear, so you can leave feedback now if you want to. :)

nc-17, author: abluegirl, multipart wip

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