Glee fic offer for help_haiti

Jan 16, 2010 16:50

To be quite honest, I don't know if there will be any interest in this, but for the sake of a good cause, I thought I'd give it a go.

A couple months ago, I wrote a story ( In All Honesty) in which Kurt and Finn had become stepbrothers, and Puck also made an appearance.

There was some urging in the comments to write more/a sequel, so I've decided to offer that up at help_haiti, with the option of the highest bidder getting to contribute a prompt to what they'd like to see.

My offering post is here, so if anyone is interested, please check it out. :)

(Or, an open offer for anything Glee, pairing/etc, is here.)

(Mods - if this post shouldn't be here, please let me know or delete it. Thank you! Also, Xposted to gleefics, so sorry for any repeats on your FList.)
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