30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles Day Twenty-Six

Jun 26, 2012 11:29

Welcome to Day Twenty-Six of 30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in June: 2012 Edition!

Here be the rules; don't forget to include a rating if the piece is rated higher than PG.

30 days of puckurt drabble

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30 Magic Moments- Reconstruction (2/2) greenglowsgold June 27 2012, 05:28:45 UTC
“I really need to finish up.” The woman, who was done talking to Finn and sounded anxious to get going again, poked her head back into their conversation, kneeling down on Kurt’s other side. She sounded calmer now, at least. “I’m sorry I can’t do anything about your hand, really, but I’m more concerned with bandaging everything else.”

“It’s fine.” Kurt shook his head a little, and didn’t bother to turn to Puck when he tried to disagree, just reached out a hand and patted him twice on the arm. “It’s fine, Puck.”

When Puck remained silent, clenching his jaw and glaring down at a spot of blood on the floor (not from them; it had been there when they’d come down). He’d just mention it to someone else, then, when things settled down a little more and they got some real help.

“The bleeding is a problem,” the woman said when Kurt was half-wrapped in mostly-clean, white bandaged. “I’m not sure why I’m having so much trouble stopping it, but the pressure should help. Tell whoever’s taking care of these things that you need a potion for that, alright? He shouldn’t loose this much.” She leaned back.

“Wait, you’re leaving?” Finn glanced nervously between the woman and Kurt. “Now?”

Nodding, she stood. “I’m sure they’ll be moving people to the hospital soon. Point them in his direction; he needs to go.”

Kurt waited until she was several feet away, already headed for another boy lying on the floor, before he realized she’d left. “Thanks.” He blinked, looked around. “Oh, she’s gone.”


“I’m thirsty,” Kurt said softly, though he didn’t seem to care much about it, just wanted to have something to say.

“Yeah, we should…” Puck glanced up at Finn, then around the room, wondering who they were supposed to be looking for next. “We should probably work on that potion, right?”

Kurt shook his head. “S’fine. I got plenty of blood inside me. And I’ve still got bones, right? Blood comes from bones, y’know.”

“Okay, then.” Kurt was getting weird, and Puck was steadily more and more concerned about that. “Yeah, we should find someone with a potion. Kurt?”

When he looked down, Kurt’s eyes were closed, and Puck panicked for a moment or two before he realized Kurt was still breathing (a little faster than usual, but breathing), just asleep. He reached out to pat Kurt on the cheek, hoping to wake him up, because he was pretty sure you were supposed to keep people awake when they were like this, right?

Kurt’s eyes stayed closed, but Puck winced as his wrist came into full view. It was swollen up spectacularly, jolting just a little with a sharp pain from the motion of tapping Kurt on the cheek. How had he not notice that before? Whatever, the point was that Kurt wasn’t waking up, and Puck needed to go find someone helpful so Kurt could take a potion and not, like, bleed out or something.

Heaving himself to his feet, Puck glanced over at Finn. “Watch him, okay? I’m gonna go-” He cut himself off when Mike appeared next to him, looking pale. His arm was looped tight around Tina’s shoulders. “Tina?” Puck didn’t get anything more out. He wasn’t sure what was going on. Tina wasn’t supposed to be here; she was underage. She’d left. So, what…?

Mike cleared his throat and looked down at Kurt, starting when he noticed that Kurt’s eyes were closed. “He okay?”

“Think so.” Puck shrugged. “For now.”

“Good, okay. I, uh…” Clearing his throat again, Mike tightened his hold on Tina’s shoulders. Tina wasn’t looking at any of them, eyes stuck to the floor and red like she’d been crying, and Puck still wasn’t sure why she was here. “I need to talk to you about something.”


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Re: 30 Magic Moments- Reconstruction (2/2) greenglowsgold June 27 2012, 18:50:03 UTC
Which part? Um well it will be sort of better later but there will still be bad things that can't be fixed because you know they were fighting in a war.

...I feel guilty now. Stop that.


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Re: 30 Magic Moments- Reconstruction (2/2) greenglowsgold June 27 2012, 19:07:07 UTC
A person can totally be happy and healthy without all their fingers! (Okay that was a weird sentence.) And I couldn't fix everything even if I wanted to because Colin's fate is already outlined by HP source material.


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Re: 30 Magic Moments- Reconstruction (2/2) greenglowsgold June 27 2012, 19:30:13 UTC
There there. *pats you on the shoulder*

Thinking about Colin makes me incredibly sad now. I did not really anticipate this when I first wrote about him and Sam hanging out.


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