30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles Day Nine

Jun 09, 2012 11:49

Welcome to Day Nine of 30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in June: 2012 Edition!

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30 days of puckurt drabble

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Texts From Last Night: Day 9-- R (1/2) test_kard_girl June 9 2012, 22:51:20 UTC
(515): I love the "adulterer" look on you. It's hot.

(407): Its part of my fall instant classic line.

Kurt's never really given half a thought to looking 'sexy'. Sexy isn't for boys like him. Not in Ohio anyways. No, Kurt breaks the mould in so many places his clothes have always served to cover up as much of him as possible, giving the other boys the minimum of chances to poke fun at his scrawny figure.

But Puck thinks he's sexy.

Kurt bites his lip: Puck thinks he's sexy. He's said it out loud more than once, and said it so many times with his eyes it's uncountable. He says it with his hands when he touches him, tracing the lines and planes of Kurt's body with impatient, practiced palms and strong fingers. His body says it when they're both stripped of clothing and curled naked around each other and Puck is biting Kurt's shoulder and coming inside him.

Kurt closes his eyes and leans his elbows against the dresser table, trying to steady his breathing through his teeth. He's not used to feeling sexy.

He sits himself down in his basket chair and idly shadows in the outside corners of his eyes with a tiny bit of eye pencil. He doesn't actually wear alot of make-up these days-- he's found enough confidence that he doesn't need it and anyways, his skin's recovered a bit from its early puberty breakouts. But a little bit of eye-liner still goes a long way. He dabs a tiny bit of concealer on his chin where it's needed, slicks some Lip Venom over his lips and feels ready to go.

Aside from his clothes of course.

He dresses far more simply than he used to. Having the attention of a boy like Puck-- the kind of boy he never thought he could have; the kind of boy he used to fantasise about with equal parts lust and terror-- he finally feels prepared to have people look at him instead of just being bedazzled by the stunning shirt he's wearing.


Re: Texts From Last Night: Day 9-- R (2/2) test_kard_girl June 9 2012, 22:51:35 UTC
He pulls on a pair of black skinny jeans with a delicate pinstripe that does nice things to his thigh muscles, grateful for all the dance practice that has sloughed away the puppy fat he used to despair over. He enjoys that reflection for a moment, before shrugging into one of his Paul Smith shirts and doing up all the buttons save the top two, thinking he'll add a neckscarf later for interest (and also for Puck, who every now and again tells him to keep it on even though he's divested everything else, and Kurt would be lying if he said that didn't appeal to his kinky side.)

He's just doing up his cuffs when he hears the doorbell go downstairs and, after a minute, Carole getting up to answer it. Kurt glances at himself in the mirror again. He wonders if it's too much. If it's too obvious.

But he puts it out of his head, smiling a little to himself as he hears a sudden new, familiar voice chatting with Carole and his dad. He leans over to tap his iPod on, giving himself something to distract himself with, and act a little more aloof and laissez-faire.

Aloof is another thing he's getting good at. It drives Puck out of his mind.

After a moment, there comes familiar footsteps on the stairs and a knock at his door:

"Knock, knock."

Kurt rolls his eyes, licking his lips a little in anticipation as he gets up to pull the door open.

"You don't have to knock you know, it's very unlikely you'll see anything that will surprise you."

Blaine's leaning against the doorframe, smile itching the corner of his mouth as his eyes land on Kurt. He shrugs, stepping over the threshold and sliding his arms around his boyfriend's waist.

"I know. But I'm polite. Did you know that about me? I'm stunningly polite."

Kurt grins, rubbing their noses briefly together before turning his head and letting their lips meet.

"Hey baby." He breathes in return, feeling the hair on his arms standing on end at the thrill of having yet another warm, eager body pressed against his. "And yes, I did know. But every now and again maybe you should just be crazy and take me by surprise."

He says it with a smile; but Blaine doesn't miss the insinuation. Kurt feels his heart throb a little faster as the other boy tugs him closer, teasing Kurt's lips with his own for a moment before their kiss deepens and Kurt leans back against the wall, dragging his boyfriend with him.

Blaine breaks away for air, and Kurt congratulates himself on another excellent outfit as the other boy's eyes rake down his body:

"God, when did you get so hot?"

Kurt smacks him sharply on the behind.

"Thanks gorgeous."

"You know I'm kidding." Blaine murmurs in return, leaning in to lick at the soft skin behind Kurt's ear-lobe.

Kurt closes his eyes, giving himself over to the waves of pleasure already starting to build. He tries not to say names anymore, 'cos he knows he'll get mixed up, but God baby please that's it like that seems to work for everyone.

He thinks of Puck's hands on him earlier this morning; his mouth. He bites his lip and gives himself of brief moment of pretending they're both here: Puck's hands gripping tight at his hips and Blaine's lips against his neck, and the danger of everything that he's doing now, the danger of Blaine finding out, the danger of ruining everything, is nothing compared to the thrill of it.

According to his lovers, 'cheating bitch' might be his best look yet.


Re: Texts From Last Night: Day 9-- R (2/2) greenglowsgold June 10 2012, 05:14:03 UTC
Jeez, I read this right after going through several pages of tflnglee on tumblr and now I am in a WEIRD mood but it was totally worth it! Wonderful as always. :)


Re: Texts From Last Night: Day 9-- R (2/2) test_kard_girl June 10 2012, 16:56:13 UTC
Aw, I hope not bad weird! I blame the unexpected Klaine at the end there. It made me feel a bit weird too :/.

And don't use the word 'wonderful', you're making me blush! *blushes and hides* ) x


Re: Texts From Last Night: Day 9-- R (2/2) greenglowsgold June 10 2012, 16:59:19 UTC
It was more the kind of weird where just about everything I'd read in the last hour had been in textspeak, and there were SO MANY references to sex and bacon and hangovers.


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