30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles Day Three

Jun 03, 2012 10:33

Welcome to Day Three of 30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in June: 2012 Edition!

Here be the rules; don't forget to include a rating if the piece is rated higher than PG.

30 days of puckurt drabble

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PG-13, mentions character death pterawaters June 3 2012, 16:27:28 UTC
Continued from day 1 and day 2.

"I don't know, Mercedes," Kurt sighs into his phone, nodding as Puck joins him in the Hummel Tire and Lube office. "My two greatest loves, theater and fashion, are in New York. ... I know I said that, but LA? I don't know."

Puck tries to get Kurt's attention - he has to know what the difference was between two parts with the same serial number, except one of them has an extra "B" at the end - but Kurt isnt't meeting his eyes while he's still talking to Mercedes. At least LA is a topic he doesn't mind overhearing. That's the whole reason he'd taken this job when Finn left for Gerogia and the Army, to make money for LA. It turned out that even if he is good at doing books, it helps to know that shit out in LA costs twice as much as it does here in Lima. Seven hundred bucks and a rusty truck weren't gonna cut it. But Puck had graduated high school. He could do anything, even save up enough money to actually make it in LA without having to limp back to Lima after the six weeks his money would have lasted had he left in August like he was planning on. Well, planning before his dad showed up and took, like, seventy percent of his money.

Kurt speaks again, "That's true..." before assessing a sly look at Puck. "You still California bound?"

"In a few months, yeah," Puck nods, "why?"

"Just..:considering my options," Kurt replies, giving Puck a half smile that would be insignificant if it weren't the first Puck's seen since Blaine died.

It gives him a feeling that Puck explains away as gas from that burrito he had for lunch.


Re: PG-13, mentions character death greenglowsgold June 4 2012, 03:56:15 UTC
Still running on relief that Puck isn't dead. Damn, you had me scared for a minute!

ANYWAY. I'm really loving this little series. Are you going to keep it going for a while?


Re: PG-13, mentions character death pterawaters June 4 2012, 04:05:38 UTC
Yeah, I think I will be continuing. Tomorrow will be a little aside, though :)


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