Title: Episode 3x34 "Torch"
patchfire &
raving_liberalRating: NC-17
Characters(s): Puck, Kurt, Finn; Puck/Kurt; Puck/Kurt/Finn; Glee ensemble & OCs
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Canon compliant through the end of season 2.
Disclaimer: Glee is the "intellectual" property of RIB/Fox/etc.
Editing/Betaing: Our continued thanks to david_of_oz for his editorial genius.
Authors' Notes: Second to last episode, y'all. What a long, long journey it's been (nearly a year since "Perfect Gift" was posted). We've had our share of verklempt moments over the past few weeks.
Summary: A final school board meeting; no other alternative to a big lie; Senior Showcase; graduation songs; PFLAG, glee club, and all the other torches being passed.
Word Count: 35179
playlist for this episode Teaser for Episode 3x34 "Torch" Episode 3x34 "Torch" part one Episode 3x34 "Torch" part two Episode 3x34 "Torch" part three Episode 3x34 "Torch" part four Episode 3x34 "Torch" part five