Title: A Bright Future
Characters: Noah Puckerman, Kurt Hummel, OMCs, OFCs
Warnings: Future Fic
Rating: NC17 (in later chapters)
Pairing: Puck/Kurt
Author's Note: A/N: I looked up Police Academies in Ohio and found one in Lima so I used that one. Also, I found out that you must be 20 so I changed that a little because Puck is 18 and you're supposed to have a spotless past, I changed that too because otherwise Puck wouldn't have been able to join the academy. I can't remember whether Puck's probation officer's name was ever said so I invented one. I'm so sorry it took me more than a week to update, but I spent last week with a fever and soar throat and today I finally got around to write this. I promise that the next update will be on time and longer too!
Summary: Maybe he wasn't going to leave for a bigger city, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to be someone.
Words Count: 1721
Previous Parts:
I |
A Bright Future - Chapter One )