Fatherhood: A Guide Part 4/5

Jan 21, 2012 17:16

Title: Fatherhood: A Guide (Or, How Noah Puckerman and Blaine Anderson Survive Being Husbands, Stay-at-home Dads, and Badass New Yorkers)
Author: eyesarmslove
Beta: The lovely Alex (xlessxthanx3x )
Type: Multipart
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt/Puck, Blaine/?, Finn/Mercedes, Puck/Blaine friendship (gasp!)
Genre: Futurefic
Warning: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.
Author Notes: Future kid!fic

Thank you to my lovely beta, Alex (xlessxthanx3x). This story is dedicated to you for being an inspiration to me and all Puckurtsies! I love you!

Summary: Puck was digging the dad gig. That is, he was, until the new neighbors arrived.
Word Count: 13,500, this part (26,600 overall)

"What's the point of this again?"

series: fatherhood, nc-17, author: eyesarmslove, multipart wip

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