Title: Lima Loser (1/?)
hey_doey_doeyRating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Puck/Quinn, eventual Puck/Kurt, Beth Puckerman, Burt Hummel, probable appearances from the rest of the ensemble, a handful of OCs
Genre: angst, family, friendship, romance
Warnings: Non-descriptive heterosexual sex
Spoilers: Seasons 1 and 2, although I’m ignoring all of Puck’s Season 2 storylines. It will become clear why.
Disclaimer: I wish I owned Glee. Unfortunately, I don’t.
Author’s notes: This one is a slow burner, guys. I should be patient and wait to post until I have more of this written, but I can’t because I just want you all to read it. This idea mutated from one of my drabbles for the 30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in June, in case you were wondering, which you probably weren’t.
Summary: Puck has always known he’d never be anything more than a Lima loser.
Word count: 2400ish
Today is the same as most of Puck's days. Mods, can I have a series tag please?