Title: Pipe Dreams (20/20, Complete)
oh_you_dorkRating: R
Characters/Pairings: Puck/Kurt, Glee clubbers, Burt, Carole, handful of OCs
Warnings: Foul and homophobic language, minor violence, boy kissing
Genre: Angst, romance
Spoilers: Anything in aired episodes is fair game.
klair716Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Glee in the slightest.
Summary: Kurt visits Puck while he's in juvie, and they realize they have a lot more in common than either of them ever thought.
Word Count: 4,125 for this chapter (~53,600 overall)
A/N: So, this is it, guys. Nearly a year since I started posting, this fic is finally complete. It feels strange to be done, but also liberating. Thank you everyone who has been reading all these months, for the comments and support and love. And thank you most especially to
abluegirl and
klair716 for being the best betas a girl could ask for. <3
As much as I wish that I could do it alone...)