Fic: An Irrational Hatred of Michael J Fox (a Glee/Firefly cross-over)

Dec 15, 2011 08:07

Title: An Irrational Hatred of Michael J Fox (a Glee/Firefly cross-over)
Author: pterawaters
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck, Jayne, Mal, Zoe, slight Puck/Kurt ending
Genre: Angst, Sci-fi, cross-over
Warning: Unexplained time-travel, unbeta'd
Spoilers: S1, ep 3x09 wardrobe
Disclaimer: Glee is not mine, at all.
Author Notes: Written for this prompt in the fic meme. Mostly a Puck story, with some slight Puck/Kurt shoehorned in at the end! Also, it's been awhile since I've watched Firefly, so hopefully I didn't mangle the speech patterns too badly.
Summary: Puck's father didn't leave Lima to launch his music career. He left his guitar, the planet, and the whole damn era behind.
Word Count: 1500ish

oneshot, author: pterawaters, pg

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