Teaser for 3x18 "Telephone"

Dec 12, 2011 12:11

Title: Teaser for Episode 3x18 "Telephone"
Authors: patchfire
Rating: PG-13
Characters(s): Puck, Kurt, Finn, Puck/Kurt, Furt brothership, Glee cast, OCs
Genre: gen/romance
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Canon compilant through 2x22. Also spoilers for TitSoaB. :)
Disclaimer: Glee doesn't belong to me. It'd be better if it did.
Author Notes:
storyofthreeboys on twitter & TitSoaB on AO3
Dave & Casey plus other bonus fic on storyof3boys or AO3.
Something a little different this week. :)
Summary: The bitter & the sweet
Word Count: 672

There’s an old Far Side cartoon that Kurt remember his dad showing him a few times. One of the students in a class asked to be excused because his “brain is full.”

Kurt’s brain feels full, too.

Not all of the things are bad. Cars-cars are simple and easy, and imagining the things that he can do with any of these specimens is relaxing.

Everything else, though; Kurt feels like he’s reducing himself to platitudes and cliches. Growing up is hard. The real world is tough. It’s all true; of course it’s true. He just wishes it didn’t all feel so heavy, that it wasn’t all at once.

When Finn appears in the doorway, he brings the tab with the ‘86 Trans Am to the front, hiding the doc he started with lists, hiding the ADAA page, hiding the page he found about budgeting, hiding eBay, hiding H&M, hiding Kelley Blue Book and hiding Edmunds.

And when Finn leaves, Kurt closes the laptop and decides to retreat into the bathroom with one of his bubble bars from the previous day’s excursion. There’s too much to think about, and most of it needs to be talked about, and that has to wait until later, anyway.

The sweetness in the bittersweet is that there’s someone to talk about it all with.

Puck gets two days a week where he’s not at Starbucks before 8 am in the morning. Two. One of them is Saturday, at least, but he’s still usually up what most people would consider early, and the other one is Tuesday. Yeah, he still has to go to school on Tuesdays, but he and Kurt get breakfast at Waffle House and joke with the waitress and ask about her kid and then go to school with huge cups of to-go coffee that she gives them for free.

It’s the one thing they both agree they won’t give up, no matter how they’re looking at the idea of not spending so much on crappy fast food in Lima.

So, yeah, Puck’s pissed when Rachel goes on and on about how they need a morning rehearsal. Tina seems to think Friday morning coffee is some kind of sacred ritual and, hell, no one argues with her, so the rest of them must think that, too.

It doesn’t help that Kurt ends up going home Monday night before Hannah’s even out of dance class, both of them red in the face and butthurt. When Kurt shows up at 6:30 on Tuesday morning and they drive up to Waffle House and have to place a to-go order, at least they have enough time to sit in the back of the Nav for a little bit.


“I know, blue eyes. I am, too.” Kurt leans against him, looking worn-out and really, Puck would never say it to Kurt, but almost old. Puck wraps his arm around Kurt and holds him close. “Still not ready?”

Kurt shakes his head. “I feel so stupid, reacting this way. I can’t even articulate why I’m reacting this way, you know? But I am and it doesn’t feel right to say anything until I can be less... like this. Upset and god, I’m being so fucking emo, aren’t I?”

Puck laughs. “Fashionably emo.”

“I left the house half-dressed yesterday! And today I just felt like I was sleepwalking, so shades of grey seemed like a safe bet, right?”

“And a lot of dancing today.”

“God, I know.” Kurt shakes his head. “We’re going to be dancing in our sleep.”

“We’re marchin’ on,” Puck teases. “We should go in,” he adds after a moment, reluctantly. The Nav is staying warm so far and it’d be so easy to stay there, even though Puck has noticed a few of the others, Finn amongst them, heading inside.

“Yes,” Kurt agrees, heaving a sigh as he straightens and tosses their trash into the plastic bag. “You load sixteen tons and what do you get?”

“Another day older and deeper in debt.”

pg-13, series: story of three boys, author: patchfire, oneshot

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