Falling a thousand feet per second (1/??)

Nov 15, 2011 20:02

Title: Falling a thousand feet per second (1/??)
Author: duochan_maxwell        
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck, Kurt, Blaine, Finn, brief mentions to Artie, Santana, Quinn. Puckurt, past Klaine and Quick (oh, and Puck/Santana).
Warning: AU, life threatening experience for a major character, bottom!Puck/top!Kurt, top!Puck/bottom!Kurt, medical!kink
Spoilers: none, since it’s total AU. But some canon events are included, sooooooo….
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, this is a fictional writing: any resemblances with real people or situations is purely coincidental, this is for entertainment purposes only. Me and the puckurt community are not making any money out of this (sadly).
Author Notes: Many thanks to xdark_chanx, my wonderful beta (ILU <3). This chapter also has a lot of (rather) uneducated talk about stunts, oh well...
Summary:  Noah Puckerman is one of the premier stuntmen on the Hollywood Scene. Specializing in aerial stunts - roof jumps, falls, sky diving, etc. During one particularly tricky stunt off of a high rise, Noah's rope snaps and he falls several stories onto the airbag below... but he fell from a much higher level than anyone could have expected. Now, stuck in physiotherapy, what will he do about the sudden attraction to the friendly and energetic massage therapist - Kurt Hummel - that has been put in charge of helping him regain movement in his limbs? For the Writing the fic I didn't write challenge =]
Word Count: 618

They say that your entire life passes in front of your eyes when you’re about to die. They say that this is your last time to review
the good moments and repent for the sins. Noah Puckerman can testify to this and tell you this is very real. If he survives.

He can see himself and Finn, his best friend since kindergarten. He can see them bonding over action figures, HQs, football, basketball, and girls. He can see silly bickering that ended as soon as something else caught their attention. He can see their first big fight, when he, Noah, screwed up and knocked up Finn’s first girlfriend, Quinn.

He can see his fucked up (or non-existent, for that matter) romantic life: his first time with his best girlfriend Santana when they were nothing but misguided children, brief hook-ups with MILFs when he cleaned their pools for extra money, countless meaningless bodies of one-night stands, his controversial reputation of a stud and a manwhore.

He can see how he got into this situation, how he got himself falling a thousand feet per second, and his head about to crash in the barely enough safety cushions below.

He can see himself when all of this started, in high school. He was a troubled teenager, always skipping classes, picking up fights. In the end, all he was looking for was a way to vent off some steam. That’s why he played sports: football, basketball and soccer.

When he was a junior, his friend Mike introduced him to parkour. Climbing, jumping, trying to do ordinary things like walking, running, and climbing stairs in a different and thrilling way. He became good at it. When he was 17, a strange guy walked up to him and offered him a card with a logo. United Stuntmen’s Association. The guy explained that this association offered courses for stuntmen and if he wanted to get a try, he just had to save enough money to pay the course. Ah, and move out from Ohio, of course.

And there he was, just out of high school and moved to Washington, doing administrative work for the USA until he was old enough (and had enough money) to take the course.

Ooooh, fast forwarding the boring part! What a nice brain he has!! (He was probably starting to enter shock or something; he was seeing his thoughts along the flashback as dialog boxes, like in a comic strip. He was what, Deadpool??)

There he was, his first part as a stunt double. The stunt coordinator didn’t want to hire him, but he was the only stunt with the same physique as the character and who was willing to shave his hair in a Mohawk for the part. He didn’t blame the guy, though. He was a new stunt and it was a difficult aerial. But it went great.

This first part made him famous. The movie was a blockbuster which earned fuckloads of money in tickets, DVDs and merchandising. Of course, his name was just a small one running in the credits, he didn’t have any share of said fuckload of money, but boy, he got nominated to a Taurus! He didn’t win (beginner’s luck, Y U NO STRUCK ME??), but he became a little famous.

Three years later, he was a incredibly famous Taurus-winner stunt, specialized in high work and aircraft. He had a thing for flying and falling, okay? Three years later, he was (theoretically) flying. And then, his rope snapped.
Now, he was falling a thousand feet per second and seeing his life running before his eyes. He would have done a lot of things different if he could.

And then, baby, everything went black.

I'm late, I know... -_-

writing the fic i didn't write challenge, series: thousand feet per second, nc-17, author: duochan_maxwell, multipart wip

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