Supernatural!Fusion: 'Walking on the Edge'

Nov 13, 2011 16:20

Series: Counterclockwise-verse, Part Five.

1. Spinning Counterclockwise | 2. Running in the Dark | 3. Always Pushing Westward | 4. Never Looking Back

Title: Walking on the Edge
Fandom: Glee (Supernatural AU/Fusion)
Genre: Horror/supernatural/action adventure.
Pairings: Kurt/Puck, with Finn/Rachel
Rating/Warnings: Hard R for violence, horror, language, character death and cannibalism.
Wordcount: 20,000~
Spoilers: Vague for Supernatural seasons one to three, and Glee seasons one and two; specific spoilers for Supernatural episode 1:15 The Benders.
Notes: 1. The words ‘G-d’ and ‘L-rd’ are written as such. It’s a Jewish thing.
2. Knowledge of Supernatural is not necessary, as the story is self-explanatory.
3. So many tonnes of thanks to ontinia, who puts up with my ridiculousness with a patient smile and seemingly never-ending amounts of enthusiasm - and who has made me a wonderful set of banners for the story, including the one below.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, Glee, ‘Dog Days Are Over’ or ‘Carry On, My Wayward Son’, and I am making no profit from this piece of fiction.

Summary: Sometimes, the worst enemies of hunters were plain old human beings. Supernatural creatures were predictable; people, on the other hand…

Puck had hoped that Rachel’s dreams would fade after Azazel was killed, but they appeared to be bothering her as much as ever - except now she had a best friend with a pretty steady death sentence.

r, author: angelofcaffeine, multipart wip

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