At the end of the day (1 of 2)Author:
pterawatersRating: PG-13 (part 1)
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt, Puck, Finn, Azimio; Puck/Kurt, a little Kurt/Blaine, mentions Puck/Karofsky and Puck/OCs
Genre: Humor, Romance
Warning: Slight cheating?, some homophobic language
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Glee is not mine. At all.
Author Notes: This was written for the
writing the fic I didn’t write challenge, for
naryakiuxen 's
prompt. It’s a college-fic that’s AU, wherein Kurt and Puck have yet to meet. I promise to finish the second half as soon as I can!
Summary: Puck is sure that if he doesn't do as his friends dared him to and make out with Hummel, he is going to regret it, one way or another.
Word Count: 3400 (part 1)