Title: like a chord on a harp
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Puck/Kurt, Kurt/Blaine, Puck/Kurt/Blaine
Rating: NC17
Genre: romance, angst
Word count: ~47,000
Warnings: (explicit) threesomes, infidelity
Disclaimer: All lies. No charge.
Spoilers: I started writing before the season three premiere, so just through season two.
Summary: Blaine's the perfect boyfriend in all the ways that are important to Kurt, so if their sex life isn't ideal, it's not the end of the world. At least that's what Kurt tells himself until Puck offers to help them with their problem, and Kurt discovers exactly what's been missing from his relationship.
A/N: This was partly inspired by a prompt from
rinnia, who won a fic from me waaaay back during the
help_nz auction. (No, I still haven't finished those. Yes, I'm aware of how lame I am.) Then I was discussing the politics of topping in the Puck/Kurt community with a few people, and it got me thinking about the whole concept of sexual dynamics as relates to Kurt, and all of a sudden I had a threesome fic in my head that wouldn't go away. I ignored it all summer, but two weeks ago I gave in, and this is the result. Betaed by the fabulous
jengeorge, who makes everything better.
Fake cut leads to the masterpost at my journal. )