Supernatural!AU: Always Pushing Westward

Aug 16, 2011 00:50

Title: Always Pushing Westward
Fandom: Glee (Supernatural AU)
Pairings: Kurt/Puck, with Finn/Quinn, Finn/Rachel, Burt/Carol
Rating/Warnings: R for violence, language, horror and attempted non-con.
Wordcount: 20,000~
Spoilers: None specific; vague spoilers for the plotline of SPN Season 3.
Notes: 1) The words ‘G-d’ and ‘L-rd’ are written as such. It’s a Jewish thing.
2) You don't need to be familiar with Supernatural to get this, as long as you know it's about hunting supernatural creatures and eating in bad diners. You should, however, start at Part One: Spinning Counterclockwise.
3) So much thanks to my wonderful beta ontinia , without whom this wouldn't have been possible (mostly because I live in an endless state of procrastination).
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, Glee or ‘Losing My Religion’, and I am making no profit from this piece of fiction.

Summary: Kurt was more of an escape artist than a hunter, in Puck’s opinion. The one-year time limit he had on his life was just another trap to free himself from. He had never seen Kurt accept that there was no chance of escape.

Puck was used to living in a state of unease. It was simply the way of a hunter.

r, author: angelofcaffeine, multipart wip

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