30 Days of Puckurt Drabble: Day 28

Jun 28, 2011 10:07

It's day twenty-eight of our June 30 Days of Puckurt drabble fest! Only three days remaining-*sniff*

Here be the rules; don't forget to include a rating if the piece is rated higher than PG.

drabble, 30 days of puckurt drabble

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Re: 30 Firsts -- Black Eye (Drabble #2) 2/2 emoryems June 28 2011, 14:28:27 UTC
“Understandable,” the doctor says. “Now - I really must ask - was this domestic violence? The hit was obviously quite hard to do this sort of damage.”

Kurt is shaking his head before she has finished speaking. “No. It was a complete accident, I assure you.”

Dr. Henderson’s eyes flash to Puck, who has been silent since she entered the room, and to the hand that he has cradled in his lap. “Okay,” she says hesitantly. “Are you sure?”

“Yes - you really don’t have to worry.”

She looks at Kurt intensely for a moment, eyes searching his face for something, but then seems to accept his answer. “Alright then. Since I can’t tell for sure if there is any damage to the bone, I’m going to send you for an x-ray. Just give me a minute and I’ll have a requisition.”

She stands and leaves in a twirl of loose professional clothes and comfortable runners, the door coming closed behind her.

Kurt instantly hops off of the examination table and comes to stand before Puck, hands reaching down to push the man’s shoulders back so that he is sitting straight. Kurt then gently sits himself down in Puck’s lap, bum settled on one of Puck’s heavily muscled thighs, and wraps his arms around him in a tight embrace.

“I love you,” he says, voice muffled by Puck’s shirt.

Puck reacts immediately, wrapping his own arms around Kurt in turn and chest hitching. “I’m sorry. I love you, too. It’ll never happen again, not on accident or on purpose.”

“Aw, Noah,” Kurt sighs, “I’ve never worried about you hurting me. I won’t start now, certainly not because of this. Okay?”

Puck nods, cheek brushing against Kurt’s soft hair, and he presses a kiss into the side of Kurt’s head, careful not to put any pressure on his left side. “Yeah. Okay.”

Doctor Henderson finds them like that mere seconds later when she walks back in the door, requisition form firmly in hand.


Re: 30 Firsts -- Black Eye (Drabble #2) 2/2 patchfire June 28 2011, 16:57:28 UTC
*sniff* Oh, boys. Boys.


Re: 30 Firsts -- Black Eye (Drabble #2) 2/2 pterawaters June 28 2011, 17:30:48 UTC
Now I wanna see the scene that led up to this... In any case, I loved it :D


Re: 30 Firsts -- Black Eye (Drabble #2) 2/2 emoryems June 29 2011, 00:57:15 UTC
<3 <3 AWWW

This is just lovely!


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