Title: Karla With A K
Author: Nicolae the Gray
Rating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/girl!Kurt
Genre: Het
Warning: None
Spoilers: Some for the first season
Disclaimer: Not mine, no money made, please don’t sue (or sick Sue on me)
Author Notes: Written for the
Glee Kink Meme, for the prompt: So, I'm really desperate for some Always-a-girl!Kurt/Puck. Give me anything you want, just make it hot.
Summary: Karla Hummel is the kind of girl who makes herself noticed, and Puck notices.
Word Count: 3827
Read it at
my journal.
And mods, since this is my first time posting to the comm I don’t have an author’s tag; could I have one, please?